Monday, February 27, 2017

Sometimes you just have to be pooped on to get a return appointment! -- February 20, 2017

Hey everyone! How's it going?!?

I'm having a ton of fun here in England and am really enjoying that the weather is finally warming up! Although we had sleet and snow earlier this week, it's now jacket weather. But apparently that's England for ya.

So Monday we had a Zone PDay. We hung out and played frisbee and caught up with some friends. I got to catch up with Sister Tautkus and so that was really nice! Then we all had ice cream and hot chocolate when we came inside. Then it was pretty much time for everyone to leave, so we went out to proselyte some. We did a little street and bus contacting, but we got to go to the Family Home Evening lesson with the Millers, our senior couple! We met a less active named Anne there and it was such a good lesson! The lesson was on being able to rely on God through our hard times and learn from it. We watched a video from a program called 'Hope Works' about a girl named Cambry who fell off her horse and severed her spinal cord meaning she was now paralyzed. But through a lot of prayers and hard work, she was able to get back on the horse. So yeah, it was a really good lesson! Then we came home for the night.

Tuesday we went to a care home to visit a member who fell and broke her knee so she hasn't been able to go to church. We had a good conversation with her and we're able to cheer her up a little bit. Neither of us were feeling very well, so we did the only logical thing and got free subway for lunch and then we did some street contacting in town and saw "The Blade" which is a windmill blade to symbolize the restart of the economy in Hull. It's huge. Then we went back to subway for dinner and went to go to our missionary Coordination meeting.

Wednesday we had interviews with President Turvey. We had a Zone Training type thing while interviews were going on. So basically, one person would leave for their interview, and the rest of us would do role plays and discuss different techniques together. Then at the end, we watched the Mission Presidents Devotional that apparently the Quorum of the 12 wanted us to watch since there's a lot of new changes with the schedule and whatnot. But it was really good! Then we went out to visit some elderly people in the Ward for the rest of the evening. So it was a good day and very productive :)

Thursday was amazing! We had a lesson with this lady who referred herself to We gave her a Book of Mormon and talked with her a little bit about it and how it could help her in her life! So that was a great lesson! Then we went back in for lunch and went out again. Then we went to see Sister Ford and have a lesson with her and then we headed out to a city called a Brough to have tea with the Oakleys. 

Friday was crazy. So we had the sisters from Grimsby over and our toilet backed up. So Sister Tanielu and I went to town to get a plunger. Well we went into the store and the guy had no idea why we would ever need a plunger for a is that not a thing in England!?! Well anyways, we wound up having to go to another store to get the plunger. Than we had weekly planning. Well by the time that was finally over, we left to go get tea with a member in the Ward. Then there was another member across the street, so we went to see them as well and they drove us back home for tea. So it was a very, very short day...

Saturday was interesting...we got a blessing from Elder Miller since we're both still getting really bad headaches. Then we had a lesson with a less active at their house and headed out afterwards to see a recent convert in the morning and were talking to her in the street when a bird pooped in my luckily, she helped me clean it out. While Sister Tanielu took pictures. What a great companion ;)
But yeah, we're going back next week. Then we tried by a few people, but none of them were in. So we went to tea and then came in.

Sunday we had church in the morning and then after lunch, we went to visit a part member family who talked to us the rest of the yeah...then we came back and synced our iPads and went in. So another short day. But good nonetheless.

My spiritual thought this week is one that our Ward mission leader shared with us and I thought was very profound, so I wanted to share it. So in 1 Nephi, when Nephi is talking to his brothers, He's talking about the power of God and how God could do anything and make the sea dry ground. And I'm sure in his head he's thinking "why do I have to make a ship?!? Moses got to walk across HIS problems!" Well just remember Heavenly Father knows the best way to get across a sea is walking, and the best way to get across an ocean is by boat. He knows the best way to get over our challenges and even when it may seem we have the same challenges, He knows the best way for us individually.

Hope you all have a great week! Love you all!

Sister Hope


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