Friday, October 21, 2016

Even More Bussess -- October 17, 2016

Busy week this week! As Always! So Monday after we finished emailing, we went shopping for Sister Manning to get a good winter coat, ate a quick meal, no then caught the bus to Hull. We started our exchange almost immediately because a less active had invited the missionaries over, but they had to go to the FHE they were thankful for the two extra missionaries. So Sister Blair and I went to visit this lady. We felt so bad because we got lost, so we didn't get there until pretty late, and we woke her son up by knocking. But she was really nice about it and we just set a better time to try by since it was late for both of us. Then we went back to their flat and did planning and talked.

Tuesday was the exchange. Sister Blair and I got right to work. We went to visit these two members. And just as we got there, they were leaving to go do shopping. So we got to do some knocking in the area instead. A few people were in, but none wanted anything to do with religion. So we went to a community service center instead. Such a miracle! They're only open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11-1:30, and we got there right at 1. They didn't need any help right away, but were really excited to take their number and said they'd call if anything came up. Then we caught a bus and went to teach an investigator the Word of Wisdom. He didn't want to live it. But hey, neither did Jackie at first either. Now he just needs to have a good talk with the Holy Ghost and see where that takes him! Then we went to the fair and got some food. There was a guy working one of the candy stands who was LDS, but from a different stake, and he gave us free candy. So that was a bonus! Then Sister Manning and I got back together and caught the bus back to Grimsby. A member came and picked us up and we went back to their house for dinner. Then they dropped us off at our flat at 8:55. So we dropped our suitcases off and went back out until 9:00 reminding ourselves that exact obedience brings miracles because we literally just had time to leave, and walk around to the other gate and go in again. Felt a little like a Chinese Fire Drill back home...but all was good!

Wednesday started off slow. We got to district meeting and our district leader usually lets us in an hour early because of bus times and such and so then we do comp study at the chapel, he forgot. So he finally gets there, lets us in, and realises he forgot his flash drive at his flat. So they had to turn around and get it. So we started super late, which meant we ended super late and therefore we missed our bus home. So we grabbed a bit to eat there and then caught a bus back to Louth. We had a lesson with Jackie when we got to town and long story short, it didn't go as planned. So it was a short lesson and then we had tea with Sister Stephenson. It was really funny because she had accidentally fallen asleep, and so we had to wake her up. But we got to help her cook. Tip: mix cream cheese with your pasta sauce to make it creamier and thicker. Learned something new :) 

Thursday was long. All our lessons fell through, so we knocked. And knocked. And knocked some more. We had one person willing to take a card, but that was it. We had tea at the Elliot's house and talked about how the missionary work was going. After that appointment, we went to have a lesson with Jane. We read Elder Bednar's talk "If Ye Had Known Me" from this last conference with her about how we get to know who Christ is and therefore who God is. It was such a good talk! I think she agreed with it and hope she learned a lot from it!

Friday we had planning all morning and then went to the hospital to see if we could put our names on a volunteer list to give someone religious guidance if they request it. They didn't have a list. So we went to Jackie's and talked about Gods love with her. After our lesson with her, we rushed into town to set an appointment with a former who had been taught just before I got here and then we had to rush back to have a lesson with Ben. We talked about The Tree of Life with him and it went so good! I think he really enjoyed it and he seemed to understand it well. His favorite thing so far has been the seed of faith growing into a tree. So he likes trees. It's pretty funny. Then we had tea at the Harvey's. They're so great! She brought us halfway home and then we walked the rest of the way since we still had half an hour before we could be in. So that was good!

Saturday was basically the longest day ever. We had no lessons planned because everyone seemed to be busy. So we cracked open the area book and chose a bunch of formers to try by. So we knocked and talked for like six hours straight with no luck. But that's ok! We tried and are doing our best! We stopped by a few members in the evening to see how they were doing and so that was good. Then we came in and ate and did 12 weeks.

Sunday was busy though! We had church. Sister Elliot brought Jackie and Bethany and her mom to church. So she had a full car of investigators! That was such a blessing! Then we rushed home for a quick lunch and out to Jackie's. We answered questions and went over the interview questions! Then we went to Josephine's and had a lesson with her about patriarchal blessings since Ben had school work. We read a talk with her and it was so good! Then we went to visit Michael and talked about eternal families and temple work. Then we went to the chapel and went over the branch list with Brother Elliot while the choir was practicing. So that was good! We found out who would be open to missionaries and who totally isn't. Then we came in for tea and 12 weeks.

So yeah that was my week! My spiritual thought for the week comes from President Hunter, chapter 19 "Our Commitment to God" " we should decide now in the light of the morning, how we will act when the darkness of night and when the storms of temptation arrive."

Love you all!

Sister Hope

I think I live on a Bus.. -- October 10, 2016

Hello everybody!

So this week seems to have been another tale of missed busses. They seem to waste so much time! For what should only take thirty minutes, it took us nearly two hours to get back to Louth on Monday, just simply because of how Thetis tables overlapped. But that's ok. We came back and did shopping. Then I took a nap and Sister Manning worked on getting some letters caught up on. Then our lesson got cancelled because he never set an actual place to that was annoying. But it was really dark and we don't personally like knocking in the dark because people tend to be more angry if you're interrupting bed we stopped by a few people we already know. And they were still a little upset we were interrupting. So we decided to basically just walk around for an hour and hope to find people we could stop. But we didn't. But we were obediently trying and that's what's important!

Tuesday we walked around again because the member we were going to stop by wasn't in like she normally is (she's one who prefers we just drop in than set an appointment...) but we did a little knocking with no luck. Then we had a lesson with a lady named Mary. Mary is so sweet. She's smaller than me! Which makes me feel weird, but it's all good. She's super sweet and really loved the message of the Restoration, but isn't sure she wants to get baptised because she was just baptised into another church a few years ago. But she's not active and can't remember which church...oh well! We'll work on it with her. Then a member came and installed a new smoke alarm into our flat. Which is funny, because he installed it just about a foot away from the other one. The mission has decided each flat needs two working smoke alarms, but we can't have one in the kitchen because it would always be going off, so it's just a foot away from the other one. Then we had a lesson with Jackie on the Word of Wisdom. She wasn't too thrilled with giving up coffee since she basically only drinks coffee, no water or milk or anything. But we told her we'd find a coffee substitute she could try and she said she's willing to. Then we had a really powerful lesson with Ben. He's decided he wants to slow down a little because of school. So we are going to try and do a 15-20 minute lesson one day during the week going over scripture promises and passages. So we went over Moroni 10:30-34 where Moroni gives his final words and his final wishes before he buries the record. And how his final wish was to meet US. to meet us in the Celestial Kingdom because we came into Christ and were perfected in Him. We had asked Ben to think about what he would've put in a last letter to his mom and how he would feel if she didn't read it because she couldn't find the time to fit it in. Then how the prophets feel when we have their final words, wishes, and wisdom and we don't take the time to read it. It was really powerful and I think it really hit home how important the scriptures really are. Then we had a quick dinner and headed out to the bus station to go to Grimsby.

Wednesday was a travelling whirlwind adventure ride. We woke up early and got to the bus stop early, just for it to be twenty minutes late. But we got on the bus and made it to zone training just in time. Zone training was really good and on the importance of remembering who we are and where we came from and where the people here came from. That we are so much more capable of doing more than what we are. The theme was Lion King because of when Mufasa speaks to Simba and what he says. It was really great! But then we missed our bus back by about two minutes. Again. So we got a well-rounded lunch of bagels and donuts because Sister Manning still had a coupon. So we got Krispy Kreme donuts! And they were Nutella filled. Win for England! Then we caught the bus back, got back to Louth and set return appointments and talked to people for about an hour and then got back on the bus to Grimsby. We took the Grimsby Sisters' keys because they stayed in Hull for exchange, but we had to spend the night there so we could make it to Hull in time the next morning for our interviews.

Thursday was interviews. Our bus from Grimsby never showed up. We got there early and were walking the route the bus comes. So unless it was more than five minutes early (doubtful) it never showed up. So we were at the bus stop for an hour before the next one came. So we were only an hour late to interviews. Not too bad. President had just rearranged since we were able to call early enough to let them know. So yeah, we had interviews and it was really good! I just love President Turvey. He is so good to us! Even though we only have fifteen minutes each, I just know he listens to our concerns and cares about them. It is such a great feeling! Then we turned around and travelled back to Grimsby and back to Louth. We dropped our stuff off at home and then went to a lesson we had with Loretta and Peter. Loretta taught us how to meditate and we taught her how we pray. So it was interesting and felt a little weird but it was basically just allowing yourself to fall half asleep. Then we walked around a little bit more and headed up to see Jane and Andy! Jane's chest infection has finally passed, so we were able to see them again! We taught them the 10 commandments and they loved it because we taught them the finger play way to remember them. Jane even sent us a text the next day saying she taught all her co-workers the trick to remembering the 10 commandments and they were very impressed!

Friday was pretty slow. We had weekly planning and lunch and then went out. Our service activity fell through, so we walked to go visit John and talk to him on his doorstep for a little bit. Then we walked back and had our lesson with Jackie. She is so amazing. We had gotten a little sample of the coffee substitute and she surprised us because she had already bough ten her own and donated her 12 cans to the local cafe so she can give it up. Holy Smokes! It was crazy. I almost started crying I was so happy for her and her new found commitment to God. So we went over prayer and scripture study and she asked for a large print Book of Mormon. The same large print Book of Mormon she had refused just two months ago. What miraculous changes she is making. Then we went to visit this girl who told us to stop by. But her step dad told us to go away. So we did knocking in the area and tried by a few people.

Saturday went really quickly. We went to the library first thing in the morning and then went to Market Rasen with Sister Elliot to visit Andy and Bethany. Bethany is the nine year old. We taught her the Plan of Salvation and talked to her about church again. Her mom said she can come next week but they'll need a lift. Sister Elliot was such a sweet heart to offer one. So we will be doing musical cars next week to try and find a way to get everyone to church. But I guess that's a good problem to have! Then we went to give Jackie the large print Book of Mormon and talked to her about the Restoration and Thomas S. Monson. We shared "Dare To Stand Alone" with her and it really touched her. Then we solidified a baptism date. So Jackie should be entering the waters of baptism on the 29th of this month! Then we had tea and walked around afterwards, visiting a few members and asking for their help with some things. Then we met up with Josephine and went to visit this guy named Chris. He talked a lot. We talked little. It was interesting, to say the least.

Sunday was the BEST DAY EVER!!!! We had an amazing testimony meeting, a lesson in Gospel Principles about Obedience, and then a Relief Society lesson on our commitment to God. Then, after lunch, we literally had the best lesson with Ben EVER!!! We had a testimony meeting with him and when he shared his testimony, it was just so powerful. He's been having a lot of missionary experiences with his friends at school and when he ended he was like "so I think it's true" and I just looked at him and said "Ben, you're going to be a great missionary in a few years." And he just kinda smiled and so I said "And Ben, you can't tell people what you don't know. You may say something you don't know you know, but you know it and it's true. So if you're having these great missionary experiences, you know it's true." And he was like "yeah, I know. But I still have a lot to learn." Anyways, long story short, he decided on a baptism date. I'm a little frustrated because it's so far away, but he chose it and is committed, so that's important! He is set for the 26 of November! Then we went to town for a lesson that stood us up, so we walked around again and talked to people, with no luck of return appointments, but still good finding.

Today we have just done shopping and had lunch. We are in Grimsby now and then heading to Hull tonight for exchange. I love you all and can hardly wait to hear what amazing things you have been up to this week! My spiritual thought for this week is from conference again. "Look to the Book, Look to the Lord" it is simple but profound. The Book of Mormon truly testifies of Christ and truly has His restored Gospel in its pages. I am so thankful for this gospel and how much it has changed me and my life and the opportunity I have to share this with the people of England. Look to the Book. Look to the Lord. I love you all! Until next week

Sister Hope

A Tale of Missed Busses and General Conference -- October 3, 2016

Hey family and friends!

Another week has flown by in the England Leeds Mission! We have had a crazy and exciting week that started with a lot of tears from Sister Calles. We spent all day Monday saying goodbye to members and investigators and she got a beautiful blessing and we came to Grimsby to spend the night with about 200 pounds of suitcases.

Tuesday morning we woke up bright and early to push Sisters Calles' and Rigby's suitcases to the train station. Some really nice guy helped us a little bit which was nice. Then Sister JΓ€ger left to go to
Leeds and get her new trainee! So the three of us were in the bus station and Sister Manning's train arrived. But Sister Manning didn't. So Sister Rigby got her train and then the next train came but no
Sister Manning. So I called Sister Blair and she said she thought she caught the train but wasn't Sister Calles caught her train...and I was left all alone. For about an hour. Finally the next train came and there was Sister Manning! She had apparently been told the wrong bus time to go to the train station on time and missed her train by like two minutes and had to wait two hours for the next one to come. My district leader got upset because that was my one chance to do something dodgy on my mission like go to a movie or something and I didn't take it! I know he was joking, so it was funny. But anyways, then we were taking her luggage to the bus station and just as we turned the corner, our bus left. So we called a member and they were actually on their way to Grimsby for an errand, but it would take about an hour. So we figured since the next bus wasn't for another hour, we would do our grocery shopping and then go back to Louth with them. So we did and it was quite hilarious pushing her luggage through the mall and trying to find a place to buy milk and eggs. But we did and then got back to Louth. We had a lunch/clean/unpack break and went through all the clothes Sister Calles left. I got a few new coats and skirts which is always a plus! Then we went out and had a lesson with Jackie and met a few other members. So we had a good day and it was a pretty slow pace but still good!

Wednesday was a whirlwind adventure! We usually have district meeting in the morning but the Zone Leaders wanted to come, so it got moved to two hours later. Which meant we got no real lunch break. But all was good because we missed our bus by a few minutes again. So far my streak of leading the area wasn't going really well. But that made it so we could buy a quick lunch. Then the bus came, but it was one that didn't go all the way to Louth (I did know that one beforehand though) so we called the member who was going to meet us for a lesson when we got back and asked her to meet us there. So she did and we went to the lesson. It was great! It was with this little old man named John. We talked about the Plan of Salvation and he seemed intrigued. So we shall see how that goes! Then we went back in to drop off the box of Books of Mormon we got from district meeting and then went to pop by a few people. One of them is named Mary. I felt prompted to share "Because of Him" and then we asked her if she was interested in building her relationship with Christ. She said every time she tried, she always failed. So we told her we had some different tools she hadn't tried before and that we could share them with her later. She was really excited! But we had to rush off to be on time to a tea appointment. We got there and had a delicious meal and then a really good discussion about the Restoration with them. It was so powerful!

Thursday we got stood up most of the day. But that was ok. We talked to a lot of people who weren't interested and then met up with Sister Harvey to go teach Jackie. It was such a great lesson! We re-emphasised the importance of the Sabbath Day and committed her to come to church every Sunday. AND SHE SAID YES!!!!! She couldn't come to General Conference though because that was too far and too long, so we're going to watch a few talks with her later in the week. But oh my goodness! She has had such a mighty change of heart and it is just glorious to behold! So excited for her! Sister Harvey invited her to the Relief Society activity that night and she went to that too! So crazy!!! Then we went to have a lesson with Michael on the temple. It was so good! Unfortunately though I thought the bus back came at half past the hour. But it came at five past the hour after a time. So we were stranded for about 45 minutes. So we popped by a potential and then sat on a bench and ate the sack lunch Jackie made for us. She is just so sweet! Then we had a proper tea break at home and I finished cleaning the flat. Then we had a short door step lesson with a man named Chris who has been avoiding us for ages. We felt bad though because of the relief society activity, we couldn't find someone to go with us and so we couldn't go in...the first time he actually is home for the appointment and doesn't cancel....whoops!

Friday we had planning all morning again. Sister Manning is so good though! She stayed completely focused the whole time kept me on track, so we actually finished on time! We had a really quick lunch hour that even though my watch said it was an hour, I'm convinced was 20 minutes. Our friend Lin wasn't in, so we went knocking and then Maria cancelled, so we did some more knocking to find a referral. We found him and then went to a different street. We were exhausted and so went in to do some area book work, which basically just means we went in and looked to see if we felt prompted to try by any formers. Then we headed off to have a lesson with Ben, but he cancelled. So we talked with his mom instead and tried to resolve some concerns. So that was good! Then we had tea with the Stocks. It was a huge fish! Then we went in for 12 weeks and after 15 minutes I realized it was Friday and were not supposed to do 12 weeks on Friday. So we quickly repented and got out shoes and coats back on to go out for 45 more minutes. We tried by Lin again and scared her half to death because we were walking up just as she was walking out. So we walked with her to town and talked with her and then came in for planning for the night.

Saturday was much more laid back. We travelled to Hull for women's conference activity. Sister Manning wasn't feeling well, so we didn't participate as much as I would've liked to, but it was good. I loved conference and learned so much! So many great ideas and great inspiration both for myself as a missionary and to help specific people we are teaching at this time! After women's conference, we went to watch the Saturday morning session at Sister Harvey's house. It's cool because we got to watch it live! I mean it was in the evening, but still live. So despite the time difference, I still saw it at the same time as everyone back home! Then she drove us to Grimsby to spend the night.

Sunday was another relaxed and spiritual day. We woke up and after our studies had about an hour of finding in Grimsby and then we met up with the other sisters at the bus station and caught a bus to the chapel. There a loving member from the Grimsby ward provided food for all ten of the missionaries who were at the chapel. It was so good! Then conference (Saturday Afternoon) started and it was absolutely amazing! In between sessions, we had some iPad training we had to do because we're going to be getting a new app which will put our area book and planner on our iPad. So that should be interesting. Then we watched the Sunday morning session live. So we literally spent all day at the chapel. We walked home and had dinner and then went to bed. So all in all, it was a good day and I learned so much!

My favorite talk was President Russell M. Nelson's where he talked about the secret to joy: "Joy isn't found in our circumstances, but in our focus" I don't know if that was the exact quote, but that's the gist of it for sure! It is so true though. We tell people on the street all the time that when we focus on Jesus Christ, we won't hallways have happy times, but we will always be at peace in our life. Peace comes from focusing on The Savior. Joy comes from focusing on The Savior. So I hope and pray we can all focus on Him and find that peace and joy despite our circumstances. I love you all! Hope you enjoyed conference as much as I did! And I look forward to watching the Sunday Afternoon session later this week. Should be good too!

Sister Hope

Friday, October 14, 2016

Transfers! -- September 26, 2016

What a crazy tiring week...
Monday we got picked up from a recent convert and member from one of Sister Calles' previous areas and they took us to Cleethorpes which is a sea side town. It wasn't sunny, so we didn't go play on the beach. But we did do some fun activities around including eating at Taco Bell since those are rare here in England and Sister Calles wanted to try it. Then we got on a bus to Hull with the Grimsby Sisters. We got
there around 8 o'clock and Sister Blair left us some finding challenges for the rest of the night. They were

1. Testify of the Law of Chastity
2. Tell someone how you feel the Spirit
3. Contact a former (she gave us the name and address and some info)
4. And find someone with blue hair to compliment

So we tried. We found an 18 year old boy to testify of chastity to. Which was really awkward because for some reason when I looked at the page, I thought it was word of wisdom. So I was way confused why she
was telling him about chastity and wasn't prepared to jump in because I was so lost...then we found some really nice Muslims and talked to them about how we connect to God and the importance of feeling faith
in our life. Then we contacted the former. Who said he wasn't the same person but the background he gave us was the same, just a different we're pretty sure he just wasn't interested. But we didn't find anyone with blue hair. So sad times. We found someone with a blue hoodie on, but Sister Calles wouldn't let me count it, even though it was kinda his replacement hair...

Tuesday was so spectacular! So we woke up and had a Sisters Meeting as the zone. So all eight sisters in our zone went to have a great meeting and Sister Turvey Skyped in. So that was really fun! Then we had the shortest exchange ever. I was with Sister Manning this time. She just came out this transfer, so we did 12 Weeks training together which was a little awkward because I didn't know how Sister Blair normally does it. But then we went to teach a less active named Carol. It was so cool! We were planning on talking to her about the Word of Wisdom and relating it to the temple. Before we started, we were following up on her reading and she said the phrase "turn their tents towards the temple" kept sticking out to her so she thought Heavenly Father was trying to tell her something. We looked at each other and said "yes He is." So we had a great lesson and The Spirit was so strong! Then we went back to the flat and I packed both mine and Sister Calles' things and we met them at the train station. So yeah, it was a great day and we learned a lot!

Wednesday was INTERESTING! So we had district meeting as we do every week and it was really good. It was on asking for referrals and using The Book of Mormon more in finding. Then we barely missed our bus back and had no money to buy lunch, so we had to wait an hour and do finding and then go. We were going to have to skip lunch because of a lesson, but she texted while we were on the bus that she was ill, so while we were sad we couldn't see her, we were glad that we got lunch! Then we went out street contacting and ran into Josephine! We talked to her a little bit about her family and how Ben is doing. She's so funny. She's starting to read sections of For the Strength of Youth to him to wake him up. We cracked up at that! Then we went to wait for a ride to this guys house and while we were waiting, we saw him come walking up. So obviously he forgot and wasn't in. But that's ok. We went to his neighbourhood anyways because we had run into some other people knocking his street so we tried by them and none of them were in. So we walked back to town and had a lesson with Jackie. She's doing so good! She's changing so much and it is just the most amazing thing to see!

Thursday was interesting. Everyone in the morning dropped us. So we walked around and did some finding. We found this lady with ten kids. She likes the idea of eternal families and asked what she has to do to have that. Well long story short, were teaching her now and we made a deal to do some service for her in her garden and house and then have a lesson. We just didn't get a phone number because she lost her phone, but we left it that we'd pop by later to get her number. Then we went to try and find Georgina. She wasn't in, so we came back for lunch. After lunch we had a lesson with a guy named Sam. He's 20 and so excited to learn something new! He even sent us a text after that he really enjoyed the first session and was looking forward to more! Then we went finding some more and had a really awkward encounter in town that still makes me mad! So we asked this guy where he got his jacket and he was talking to us quite a bit and then he saw our badges and got upset. We could tell, so we didn't transition into the gospel, we just kept talking about his jacket. Then he got even more mad and was like you shouldn't ask about jackets if you really just wants to talk about Jesus Christ. And I don't want to talk about Jesus Christ. Well, I had left my jacket in the flat after lunch since it wasn't too cold. So I said "no I really am looking for a jacket. I'm from a desert in America and so I'm going to be needing a new jacket soon" anyways he just left after that. We were going the other way, so we kept going and stopped another lady. She was asking us if we could go help her mom and we were explaining how missionaries work when this guy comes back and just stands there. The lady got really uncomfortable and was like "hi" and he says "they liked my jacket, did they like your blouse? (Which was actually the approach we had used, so that was more annoying) they seem like nice girls but they don't really care. They're just devious and are trying to recruit people" Sister Calles and I just kept looking at each other and we asked him "I'm sorry, did we offend you by liking your jacket?" And he said no he just wanted to protect this nice lady. She got mad at that point and told him she could handle herself and it was time for him to leave. She took our card and told us she had to go because her car meter had almost run out. So we were mad because he was just really rude and we hadn't even tried teaching him anything! Anyways, then we went to our next lesson, but they weren't home. So we left to go to Ben and Josephine's. We got there a little early, so we jumped on the trampoline for a little bit. Which woke us up and then we had a great lesson with Ben on Sabbath Day Holy and Obedience. He said he wants to review the Word of Wisdom next time. So we're excited he's asking questions and really wanting to learn the most he can! Then we were going to go home for dinner, but Josephine wouldn't have that, so we ate with them!

Friday was great though! We had weekly planning all morning and then when we went to an appointment, the ladys name is Lin and she wasn't in. She rents a room out to some guy though and his friend answered the door. So we talked with him for about twenty minutes. He really felt the Spirit and wants us to keep teaching him! So that was a miracle! Then we decided to try by Georgina again. She was actually in! So we set a time to go back since she was cooking dinner for her kids. Then we had a dinner appointment with a couple in the branch and they took us to go visit Michael. We taught him some more about the Priesthood and are trying to help prepare him for the Melchizedek Priesthood! That's so way exciting! Michael is so great and such an inspiration. He first met the missionaries about twenty years ago and kept turning them away which gives me hope for some of the people we're meeting now that they'll accept in twenty years!

Saturday was miraculous! We had time first thing and then went to try by a lady we felt prompted to. Well she wasn't in, but her husband was. His mom had just died and he was still mourning and had a lot of questions. We answered the best we could in the short time we had and are definitely going to go back! Then we came back for a quick lunch and popped by a few people. We went back to !aria and got her phone number and then started her garden a little with the promise to go back and finish when we can teach her a lesson. Then we went to Jackies to go to the branch activity. Poor Ben thought we had a lesson at 3:30, but it was actually Sunday at 3:30, so we kidnapped him to the activity as well. He couldn't stay long but he enjoyed it while he was there! And Jackie loved it! She made a lot of friends and when we took her home, we were planning on watching The Restoration video with her. So we did and then she asked if she could come to church. So we ran to the members house who takes us to church and asked him. He said of course! Miracles happen!

We went to Jackies early to help her get ready for church and sorting her animals. Well she surprised us and was all ready! She asked us to do her eyebrows and make up for her! So Sister Calles plucked and I colored them in. It is so great to see she really wanted to go and look her best! She really enjoyed church, was beaming the whole time, and even sang the hymns with us! Then we came in for a quick lunch. We were supposed to meet Sam, but he wasn't there. So we tried by Lin. She was in and showed us all around her house. She draws a lot and covers all her walls and ceilings with her artwork. We shared a message with her and committed her to keep meeting with us. Then we went to have a lesson with Ben at the O'Grams house. It was so fun! We were going over the Word of Wisdom again and had a fun object lesson on peer pressure with him. We took him out into the garden and had Sister O'Gram point out her favorite plant. So she did and we asked her if it needed to be watered. She said it did. So we handed Ben a juice bottle and told him to water the plant. He was so confused. I got to play the tempter :D and so I was sitting there like Ben it's ok, I do it. It won't hurt the plant. If you're scared, just try it once. You'll see. While Sister O'Gram was like No! Don't ruin my favorite plant! Juice is bad for it! He was pretty confused and then he looked at me confused and I burst end out laughing and he goes "oh I get it, peer pressure" so we talked about how we know what's right and we know what we should do and we shouldn't let other people talk us into something else. Then we watched the Mormon Message "A Shower of Heavenly Blessings" and talked about how disobedience is like putting an umbrella up to Heavenly Fathers blessings but repentance is when we close the umbrella. It was such a good lesson and he left pretty determined to not give in to peer pressure! Then we ran to meet Sister Elliot and have a lesson with Jackie. We talked about repentance and how we've never gone too far to be out of reach of His love. It was really powerful! We're not sure how much she believed us, but she accepted it! That's good! Then we went in and awaited transfer calls. The big news is: I am staying in Louth and second half training Sister Manning (which means she has been out one transfer and since training is two transfers, I will finish training her) and Sister Calles is moving to Selby in York.

"The Lord honors and favors those who need prophetic direction" -Carol F. McConkie, "live according to the words of the prophets" With General Conference coming up, I really hope we are all preparing ourselves to hear the words of our living prophet and apostles. It really is a bold claim to say we have a prophet leading our church and a claim I am so grateful to have a testimony of! Hope everyone has a great week and does prepare to be taught and edifices by our prophet. I love you all!

Sister Hope

Another Long Week of Lessons! -- September 19, 2016

This week has been absolutely spectacular! As I mentioned last week we had a fun p day at the St. James church in Louth and climbed to the top and then I got to play the organ when we came back down! Still a highlight of the week :) then Sister Harvey came and picked us up. We spent the p day at her house watching movies and then had tea and family home evening with them. It was a blast but took too long, so we didn't have time for anything else by the time she drove us back to that was a very short day!

Tuesday was a day full of knocking doors, talking to people in the street, and being rejected. We spent the entire day finding and then had tea at the O'Grams and family home evening with Ben and Josephine. We taught the Plan of Salvation to them and they taught us a song on the drums! We're so excited for Ben! He told Sister Calles that he thinks he'll be ready in three weeks for baptism if we keep seeing him and read more from the Book of Mormon with him during lessons. So that is totally something we're willing to do!

Wednesday was super busy. We had district meeting in the morning and it was pretty good. The APS came. Which was a little awkward cause Sister Calles and I brought the leftover cheesecake from our tea appointment last night, but we didn't know they were coming until we got there. So instead of cutting it six ways, we had to cut it nine. So everyone got a very small sliver of cake. It was funny! But a little weird. Anyways, then Sister Harvey came and picked us up so we did service at her house. We painted her fence! She was extremely thankful which is always good! And we were glad we didn't have to wear skirts for a few hours! That was also good! Then she dropped us off for tea at another members house and they took us to Branch Coordination which was good because it's the first one we've had since I've been in Louth! Then we went to teach Jane and Andy. So we got at least one lesson in! That was really good! We finished the Plan of Salvation with them and Jane said she'll for sure come to church! So I jumped on that and asked her to give us a ride! The members who usually do are going out of town this week and so we were going to have to call around. And she said yes! So now she can't back out.

Thursday was another day of finding. Georgina wasn't in, so we knocked her street and then popped by a lady named Kate who is a former investigator. She let us in and is so excited to learn. However, she just finished her master’s dissertation and is so stressed from it she got sick. So we will have to come back next week when she's feeling better. Then after lunch, a member picked us up to go see Michael! Then we did a few more hours of finding because our next two lessons fell through. We had tea at a member’s house. It was funny because they forgot we were coming even though we had called them. It was good we had called and asked if we could come a little early because then they remembered again. It was awkward because they had already eaten, so we just ate and talked while they watched. Fun times!

Friday was short as always. But it was so good because the rain stopped just as we finished weekly planning so we didn't get super wet! Tender mercies! We did a lot of street contacting to Jackies house. We had a great lesson with her about how God is our loving Heavenly Father. We have decided to teach her in order of the baptismal interview questions, so it's more focused and a little slower. Then we did more street contacting to Ben and Josephine's. But BEN STOOD US UP! So we were a little sad. We had just had weekly planning and had a really good plan on how to have him prepared and KNOW he's prepared completely by next Sunday...but that's ok. We had a lesson with Josephine instead. She's doing so well! We gave her a personal progress book and whenever we have a lesson with her now, we're going to work on an experience with her. They told us she won't be able to get a medallion since she's not a youth, but we'll see if we ask really nicely...but it would still be awhile anyways. When I told my district leader we got stood up, he said "Sister Hope, Heavenly Father is just preparing you for when you go home, it's ok" thanks. -.-

Saturday was really good too! We got a lift to Market Rasen to teach Bethany again. It's been so long! But it was really good. Her mom sat in this time and she said she's interested to know, but she's just curious what her daughter is learning not to be converted. But she's going to bring her to church. Not this week or the next due to work, but yeah. We'll see :) then we had a lesson with Neil, who is a member, about the Holy Ghost and then we rushed off to see Jackie again. We had such a great lesson about how Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. Such a great lesson! Then we did even more finding until tea time and had tea at the Wilsons house.

Sunday was really good! Jane came and picked us up for church! And we had a really great time! Sister Calles and I both spoke in sacrament Metin on missionary work and the importance of referrals. I'm just
going to put one part in because I thought it was really funny and creative of me:

"An example in the scriptures of giving referrals is Alma 20. King Lamoni has just been converted to the gospel and now they're going to save Ammon's brothers. While travelling they meet Lamoni's dad. He's pretty angry, but his heart is softened as they speak. In verses
26-27, it reads:
26 And when he saw that Ammon had no desire to destroy him, and when he also saw the great love he had for his son Lamoni, he was astonished exceedingly, and said: Because this is all that thou hast desired, that I would release thy brethren, and suffer that my son Lamoni should retain his kingdom, behold, I will grant unto you that my son may retain his kingdom from this time and forever; and I will govern him no more--
27 And I will also grant unto thee that thy brethren may be cast out of prison, and thou and thy brethren may come unto me, in my kingdom; for I shall greatly desire to see thee. For the king was greatly astonished at the words which he had spoken, and also at the words which had been spoken by his son Lamoni, therefore he was desirous to learn them.
If we change the scripture to apply to us we get:
    1. And when our friends saw that The Mormons weren't really as weird or as scary as they originally thought, and when they also saw they great love and testimony we have of this gospel, they were astonished exceedingly and said: "because you only want an hour of my time to explain your beliefs, that I may feel joy like you do, behold I will go to my friends house and meet you there that we may learn together.
    2. And I will also come to church for I greatly desire to see what it's all about. For our friends were greatly astonished at the feeling of the Holy Ghost which did reside in their heart as we spoke and they are desirous to learn."

Then we had Gospel Principles about missionary work. So she probably thinks or church just talks about missionaries and nothing else...except Relief Society was on honesty. So that was good! She said she really enjoyed it and she'll try to keep coming, but she's not sure. We told her its her choice, but we loved seeing here there! Then we had lunch and then went to see Ben! He had a bike accident Friday night which we told him was because he stood us up...but it probably had more to do it was past midnight and he was on a narrow road and the car only had one working headlight. Anyways, he's ok, just a little bump on the hip from falling off the bike, but I don't think he'll stand us up again! We taught a big lesson of follow the prophet, Thomas S. Monson, word of wisdom, and chastity. It was funny because when we transitioned to chastity his mom said, "do you want me to leave the room while you talk about this" which totally made it more awkward than it needed to be. But it was still funny! Then we had an hour walk with an atheist named Collin. It was interesting because he promised to read the Book of Mormon every day but he promised he won't find anything. Like that's possible! Oh and he said he'll get baptized. So we're excited to keep meeting with him!

So my Spiritual Thought is from Elder D. Todd Christofferson's "Why the Church" talk and it says: "it is important to recognize that God's ultimate purpose is our progress. His desire is that we continue 'from grace to grace, until (we receive) a fullness' of all He can give." I love that thought! We aren't supposed to be perfect in this life. But as we keep being perfect at trying, we can live with Him again. These are such wonderful blessings and I'm so grateful I get to be blessed to share them with others. Just keep trying. Don't you quit. God is always with you. It's such a powerful message and sharing it brings so much joy!

I love you all and hope you've had a great week as well. Thank you for all your love, support, and prayers.

Sister Hope

Travels, Miracles, and Organs :) -- September 12, 2016

Another crazy week here in the mission field! Totally different form of crazy. We were out of our area more than we were in it and I felt I was living out of a suitcase just to repack it the next night!

So we packed our suitcases Monday morning and spent the P-Day at the Grimsby chapel with most of our zone. We played a really fun game called chair football. But I guess in American that would translate to chair soccer? Anyways. It was fun. I didn't actually play because I wanted to sit out the first round to learn the rules since let's face it, elders don't know how to explain things well and sister Calles had a hard time explaining in English. So I watched and then they switched to basketball, but I'm definitely going to play next time! Then we caught a bus to go to Hull. We got the last bus, but we're still two hours early, so we walked around for an hour and then did language study outside the sisters flat until they got there. They got home and we did planning and went to sleep!

Tuesday we had exchange in Hull the entire day. It was exhausting. Sister Blair and I had no lessons, and we went to this way far out area that nobody was home. But we had a good chance to talk and I learned so much just by talking and having a meaningful conversation that it was totally worth it! Then we caught a bus back to Grimsby, but no busses to Louth by that time. So a loving member came and picked us up. While we were driving, we saw two buys on bikes so we were joking it was probably Ben since he's always with his friends on bikes. AND IT WAS! So we asked Brother Wilson to slow down, we rolled the windows down, and yelled "Hi Ben!" Scared the poor kids half to death, but it was funny anyways!

Wednesday was good. We woke up in our own beds, unpacked and repacked. And then began the day. Our first lesson cancelled, so we did some knocking. Then we went to see Sam, but apparently he decided to move from Sister Stevensons house, so we had a lesson with her instead. Then we had lunch and went to teach Josephine. She's going to the temple on Saturday and we are so excited! So we walked her through what's going to happen and answered her questions. It was funny because she wanted us to show her how to do some stuff on familysearch and their computer is in Ben's room, so we were in his room when he got back from school. So we were able to apologize for the night before and he was a good sport about it! Then we went to have a lesson with Jackie. It was really disappointing because she said even though she felt happy at church, she didn't want to go again since she's worried of offending people...but she's reading the Book of Mormon and loves it, so we decided not to drop her quite yet. We'll give her a little bit more time to get her answer and see where it goes from there. Then we had tea at the Wilson's house and she took us to get our suitcases and then to the bus station so we could go spend the night in Grimsby!

Thursday we woke up early and travelled back to Hull for ZONE CONFERENCE!!!! The theme was Bob The Builder because WE CAN FIX IT! I don't know what's broken...but WE CN FIX IT!! Anyways, qIt was so amazing and focused on how missionaries can better utilize members in their teaching. It was a great conference! Afterwards, we travelled back to Grimsby and did some bus contacting. Then Sister Harvey came to pick us up and we were finally home. The crazy week of travelling was over but the crazy week of work was just beginning.

Friday had so many miracles! Sister Blair came to our weekly planning session and helped us out. Some member had just been to America and brought back Macaroni and Cheese. So we got to eat that for lunch! Reminded me of college! ;) then Sister Harvey picked us up again and we went to visit Michael. It was so great because he wanted to go to the temple tomorrow with the rest of the branch. So we called the branch president. And he made the time to go give him an interview. So both Michael and Josephine are going to the temple for the first time! It's so exciting!!!! Then we did some street contacting and found this guy who seemed really interested and so we decided to just go for it. We invited him to be baptised and invited him to church. He said yes and maybe. It always concerns me when they accept baptism, but not church. So we'll see what happens with him. Then we went to a lesson with Alex and her kids. We read the first vision from the children's Book of Mormon and she said she'll read it with them each night! And she accepted to be baptised as well! So we're going to teach her one day and then her kids the next. So we'll be praying for miracles with that family!

Saturday was raining so we gave up and stayed inside. JUST KIDDING!! We just got soaked. So we went to see this couple who wasn't in. So we decided to stop by a former who lived near them. She was having a really hard day, so we asked if we could come in for like 15 minutes. We wound up staying for almost an hour testifying of the power of Christ's love and set a weekly return appointment for Thursday's and invited her to be baptised! It was a great tender mercy for sure! Then we did time and lunch and then we had a lesson with Jackie. Jackie is doing pretty good she's reading a lot from the Book of Mormon and actually remembers it. She has a lot of good questions, but is still concerned about coming to church again. So then we had tea with the Harvey's and invited them to try and make their scripture study more meaningful in whatever way they feel inspired to do so. So it was a pretty good lesson!

Sunday wasn't as good as last week, but it was still great! While we had no investigators at church, we were excited to be able to focus on Josephine and Michael because both of them went to do baptisms for the first time yesterday! So Michael was baptised for his dad, grandpa, and Josephine's grandpas. Josephine was baptised for her grandmas and Michaels grandmas. So it was really good to see the light in their eyes as they were discussing their experiences! Then we had a delicious lunch where I threw everything together and hoped for the best and then we went to teach Ben! It's so annoying that school has started now because this was the first time we were able to see him this week, other than in passing. But we read Alma 32 with him and discussed the importance of him keeping commitments and nurturing his seed. He said he does feel the swelling we were talking about! So that was really good! Then we had a quick lesson with Jackie on the Ten Commandments and Neil and Sister Stevenson came to pick us up for
choir. It was really good! We're singing "If I Listen With My Heart" I know mom knows that one!!! Then we came home for dinner and language study. It was really good!

Today has been so good! Sister Calles is worried she's going to be leaving soon, so we decided to actually go do something in Louth. So we went to an old church and climbed the spiral staircase to the very top. From there we could see the whole town! It was so beautiful! Then we went down and I asked if I could play the organ there because...anything worthwhile having is worthwhile asking for! And they said yes! So I got to play the organ! It was really cool and so different than other organs. I have no idea how I turned it on, but it worked! I just hope it got turned off correctly. But we'll see!

I'm loving my mission and can feel the prayers from you guys! We are working so hard and seeing so many miracles in the work. The Lords mindful of each and every one of us! My spiritual quote comes from Dieter F. Uchtdorf's talk "The Love of God": " Oh, how we need to love God! For what we love determines what we seek. What we seek determines what we think and what we do determines who we are-and who we will become." I know that change is real. I know that by seeking God more fully in our life we can see those changes and we will be able to know for ourselves that He is there and that He loves us. I've seen people seek for Him, find Him, and change for the better. His love is real and it is eternal! So seek for it!

Sister Hope

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Hard work works hard! -- September 5, 2016

How's it going everyone!?!?

So my week has been a blast. We taught so much the zone leaders called us this morning to compliment how hard were working! So it's been exhausting, but so so SO good! We spent P-Day at a members hours and
watched Disney Movies and had lunch! :) Josephine and her son joined us for lunch too which was so cool because we were able to talk to him as a normal human being! Then we met up with Darren and had a FHE with him and the O'Grams on tithing, fasting, and offerings. It was so good! We had a lot of fun and when we ended, he said "I really want those promises!" So it was obviously effective πŸ˜€πŸ‘

Tuesday was busy! We had a lesson with Michelle about the restoration and her kids actually listened pretty well! She's concerned about coming back to church because she's not sure why her mom stopped
coming, and she doesn't want to start a family feud...but she wants to learn everything again, so that's good! Then we had lunch and a member took us to have a lesson with our little Bethany, but she wasn't there, so we taught her dad instead. Then we came back and had a lesson with Jackie and then Ben! Ben is Josephine's son that came to church on Sunday. He asked us a lot of questions and one of them was "how often can I have lessons?" So we were really excited! We wound up having a great lesson and scheduled him for the first of October! But with college starting up again soon, we're just hoping we can meet with him often enough! Then we had a tea appointment and did some more finding before language study! I was asleep before she finished her hour of study. So a long day to say the least. πŸ’€πŸ˜΄πŸ’€

Wednesday was also crazy! We woke up early for district meeting and then had to wait for an hour in town to get a bus. So we got lunch and walked around the mall there. Then the bus finally came and we took it
to go visit Bethany! We taught her the Restoration and she is coming to church! Oh the faith of a child! We are so excited for her! Except her dad is planning on teaching her "the science side" after church. We're not excited about that. But he believes she's old enough to decide...which she is but still!!! Then a really nice former investigator came and picked us up so we could go teach a lesson. It went pretty well! Then we did some street contacting and dropped in on a member to see how he was doing and then more contacting. So funny story. There's this house that always has the front light on, but nobody ever answers the door. So this has been going on for weeks before I got here. Sister Calles was convinced someone had died in there. So we decided Tuesday that we'd close the gate that's always wide open and if it was still closed, we'd try and open the door. Well the gate was closed. So we knocked and saw cobwebs on the handle. So this seemed to confirm there was a dead person in there. So she pushed a little hard on the door and it opened. We quickly closed it and went running out the gate. Then we talked to this guy on the street about it and he was like "well the police station is across the street" so we decided we'd try and open the door quickly, peek inside, and if we saw something, we'd go tell the police. So we did and the door led to an alley between two different houses. So we felt a lot silly, but there wasn't a dead person! So that's what's important!πŸ’€πŸ˜±πŸ˜…

Thursday was quite an adventure. We taught this family who the parents don't want to know for themselves, but want us to teach their kids. Their kids are 5 and 7. So we told them they have to be in the room
while we're teaching. So we're hoping we can slyly teach the parents while we're teaching the kids. It'll be an experiment for sure but we're ready to try! We decided we may be known as the sisters who build up the primary...anyways, then we went home for lunch and met up with Darren. We had a great lesson with him about the 10 commandments and sabbath day holy at a members house and it was so good! Then we caught a bus and went to say hi to Michael. No members could come with us, so we just said hi through the window and knocked his area. No luck. Then we had a very interesting tea appointment and went to teach Andy! Jane was gone, but that was ok. We taught in his garden about prayer and challenged him to pray as King Lamoni's father did and then to read the Book of Mormon and look for something personal for him. We're so excited to hear how that went πŸ˜°πŸ˜ƒ

Friday's are always a short day due to weekly planning. So we did a little knocking in the afternoon after planning and then went to have a lesson with Darren. We took him to a members house to just answer
questions and our member went SO DEEP! So it was a scary lesson for us, but he agreed to still see us Saturday. Which was a relief! Then we caught the bus to the Harvey's house and had tea with them. Then we came home for language study and planning! πŸ˜…πŸ˜³

Saturday started with disappointment. We had lunch first thing in the morning and then went to do some more knocking. While we were knocking, we got a text that Darren had decided he didn't want to keep
meeting with us πŸ˜’ so we pulled ourselves together and went to teach Ben. We taught him all about the Restoration and he understood so much! The only frustrating thing is his mom doesn't want to push him too fast, so she told him it was ok if he didn't go to church and aimed to only go every fortnight....WHAT?!?! Anyways, he said he knows he can't this week, but he wants to try and go every week after. So cool!  Then he even said the closing prayer!!!! Afterward, we rushed to Jackies house. We shared another Mormon Message with her and then told her we were tired of her saying she'll never come to church, so we were just going to come pick her up. She didn't argue because she could see how serious Sister Calles was! Then we had to rush off to see Sister Stevenson. We had a delicious tea with her and spheroid us she was going to bring a friend to church and she expected us to talk to him. HECK YEAH WE WOULD!!! 😏😎

Sunday was a beautiful day! We went and picked Jackie up like we promised and she was ready on time! Then church was so great! We met Sam, Sister Stevensons friend, and sat with Jackie. Almost all the
testimonies shared were on how they came to know the church was true and conversion stories. I think the ranch was just a little giddy there were two investigators there. But it was perfect! Then since we knew there would be 2 people there, we changed the gospel principles lesson from tithing to prayer...but since we asked for it to be changed, we got to teach it. So that was a blast! Then we went home for a nap, then had a mini lesson with Ben going over the principles of Christ's gospel: faith, repentance, baptism, the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. It was so good! He had a friend over and she even joined in on the lesson and asked if she could sit in next week too! So that was really cool! Then we popped by Jackie again to see how she enjoyed church, which she said she actually enjoyed it! And then rushed back to Sister Stevensons for a lesson with Sam. We got to know his background a little bit and then finished with talking about prayer and challenged him to read from the Book of Mormon. And he said the closing prayer!!!! Then we had tea with them and rushed home for the night. πŸ˜ƒπŸ’’πŸ˜Š

So that was our very busy, very productive, week! I am so thankful for P-Day because my little legs are tired from all the running around! We have a very crazy week coming up because of exchange and meetings and
such, but it should be so good still! I love you all and just thought I'd share my favorite quote! Christ's not waiting for us to be perfect. Perfect people don't need a Savior. He came to save His people in their imperfections. He is the Lord of the living and the living make mistakes. He's not embarrassed by us, angry at us, or shocked. He wants us in our brokenness, in our unhappiness, in our guilt and our grief...we need Him and He is ready to come to us, if we'll open the door and let Him."πŸ’•

Stay strong and keep smiling!πŸ’ͺπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜¬

Sister Hope

Louth is Great! -- August 29, 2016

My dearest family and friends,

This has been one interesting week. So if you remember from last week, I got a call that I was being transferred again after just a week in Horbury. So I am now in Louth with Sister Calles. She was born in
Bolivia but raised in Spain. We are having so much fun together! We speak Spanish in the flat so I'm relearning a lot and she said she is too ;) anyways, I waited at the chapel in Horbury for the zone leaders to come pick me up and take me to the mission office. But the APS decided they were hungry, so we met them at Five Guys instead. I was really sad I had already eaten...we got to Louth around 8 o'clock and went straight to tracting for an hour. Then we planned and I unpacked. So a quick, but great first day!

Then on Tuesday, we went street contacting and knocking for about an hour and then a member named Sister Harvey, came and picked us up. We dropped off a picture Book of Mormon for a lady we're teaching and then went to a lesson with Andy. Andy's daughter was there and she is nine years old. To say she is more interested than her dad is an understatement. So we decided to teach her instead and we SCHEDULED her for baptism! She is so cute and so faithful. She will hopefully be an example for her father! He's one who believes but won't admit it. We'll get him though I hope! Then we continued street contacting and made return appointments with a few people since Sister Calles had been in the mission home all weekend and she had to cancel some appointments. So we rescheduled for later in the week!

Wednesday felt really weird. We woke up for district meeting and then after district meeting we did some finding in Grimsby because we barely missed the bus. Then we came back and had lunch and then did just a few minutes of finding before we met up with Darren. Darren is so cool! He is 18 and seeking for the truth! He's been taught most of the lessons already, so we just followed up and answered his questions. It was so great because most of his questions were on the Holy Ghost and so we were able to help him see that he has been feeling the Holy Ghost because he said he feels peace when he prays. So awesome! Then we came home for dinner and Sister Calles did her Language Study activities afterwards while I cleaned up. Then we went to a couple named Andy and Jane. We watched "Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration" with them and talked about opposition. It was a good lesson, but they're not sure they feel anything. Which sucks, but they're still wanting to try. One of the recent converts, Josephine, is their best friend and they want to feel the same happiness she has found. She told them it took her ages to feel it and she promised they would if they live the way they're supposed to. So she's such a great member missionary!

Thursday we did finding for an hour and then went to visit a lady named Michelle. Now Michelle is cool because she was found knocking, but she was baptised when she was little! So she is interested in
remembering what she was taught before. We didn't get too far though because two of her friends came with their kids and so then there were five little ones and we felt like we were intruding. So we left and continued to find until lunch time and then met up with Josephine. We took a bus to visit another recent convert named Michael. He is so great! He's a little older and has some physical limitations, but he has such a strong testimony! So great! Then we got ice cream because we had to wait for the bus and well, why not? Then we went to a lady named Vanessa. It was really sad because she told us she wasn't really interested in changing, she was just curious and so she didn't want to meet with us anymore. So we went home and deep cleaned our flat.

Friday was so short! So we had flat inspection in the morning just after comp study. And they were over for like an hour and a half talking to us and helping us out a little bit fixing some of the minor things that were annoying us. They went more in depth than the white glove inspection at BYU. when Sister Calles started cleaning the drains the night before, I thought she was crazy, but they checked! So then we had to finish weekly planning and lunch. Then we had a lesson with a lady named Jackie. She's really sarcastic, so we get along really well! Then we went to have a lesson with Josephine, but she wanted to watch Ephraims Rescue, so we watched that with her. It was so great!!! Then we had a dinner appointment with Sister Stevenson. She was great! She invited us to spend PDay at her house watching movies and emailing, so that's great to! Then we went in for language study! So another great day!

Saturday we did some finding and then went to use the computers at the library for time and then went back for lunch and did a lot of knocking. Then we met up with Darren and watched the Joseph Smith movie with him as well at the Harvey's house.  It was good! Darren really enjoyed the movie and felt the Spirit and we connected it to follow the prophet, word of wisdom, and chastity. So it was interesting, but so great! Then he got a blessing from David Harvey to overcome a few concerns and said he felt the same peace from when he prays! So good! Then we had dinner together and came home.

Sunday was great! We're back in a small branch, so that's fun! Our chapel is in an old Air Force base, so cool! I played the piano in sacrament meeting. Then in Gospel Principles, we just taught Michael but Josephine's son, Ben came to church! Such a miracle! He's been promising for months he'll come and he did! Then we went for lunch and language study. Then we met up with David and he came to give Jackie a blessing of strength. Then we had dinner and then went to do knocking and finding. So good!

So yeah, a busy but great first week here in Louth! We are working as hard and obediently as we can and leaving the rest to Christ! We are seeing miracles every day and know this is truly His work on the Earth. I just feel so blessed to be His hands while I can for this time and in this place. Keep doing what He wants you to and you'll be blessed!

Keep Smiling!!!! πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜€

Sister Hope

Onward Christian Soldiers -- August 22, 2016

Dear family and friends,
What a whirlwind of a week! We spent Monday in the Rotherham Chapel saying goodbye to people and hanging out. Then we had a lesson with Nathan, tried by Ephrem but he wasn't in, and then had a lesson to say goodbye to Pam and her family. I almost cried leaving them! It didn't feel real and then we went back to the packed up apartment and suddenly it was very real. We were leaving Rotherham and trusting our people and friends to the Elders...we were a little scared, but going forth with faith!

Tuesday was horrible! The zone leaders came to help us carry our suitcases down the stairs and take our phone and keys and any leftover food we had. Then we caught a taxi to the train station and just waved our hands helplessly until three guys offered to carry our suitcases for us πŸ˜€ it worked. Both of us had three suitcases each so we did need the help! Then we got on a train to Huddersfield and met the sisters at the train station. They showed us to the bus station and we caught a bus to Horbury. Again, three suitcases each. So we get off the bus and are trying to figure out how to get up the hill. Well I had a luggage strap to connect two of mine together, so I was ok, but I had to walk backwards to keep my balance and pull that way. Sister Sovala was running two up, then running back for her last one. It was like leap frog. We got so irritated though because so many people just watched us. I thought English people were supposed to be nice! But no. They just told us to not overpack our vacation next time. Anyways, we found the flat and unpacked a little and then looked through the area book to get oriented. We were left with no investigators and no less actives. So we were a little overwhelmed that we literally had to start from the ground up. Then we had tea at the missions leaders house and ward coordination afterwards. So that was good! We got a lot of good information about the area and were able to see why we were needed here instead of offence to all you elders out there πŸ˜‡ oh fun fact about Horbury: this is the town that "Onward Christian Soldiers" was written during the war.

So Wednesday we had district meeting, or as our district leader likes to call them, Ford Fiestas. Because he's Elder Ford...then we came back for lunch and the set out to knock door. For hours! And no success.  But we did get in with a lady to talk about prisons. She works there and sister Sovala wants to do that at some point maybe. But it was good because at the end she started asking about God so some seeds were planted there! Then we had another tea appointment with a family but the elders didn't tell them we were sisters so they thought we were Jehovah Witnesses and got really excited to see the debate between us and the was pretty funny!

Thursday was pretty much the same. Just a bunch of tracting. We have the smallest geographical area in all of England, so we basically are just choosing an area a day. And most of it has been knocked so many times the people are really irritated. But it's been good still. Then another tea appointment and then visited a member of the ward nearby who were so great!

We had weekly planning on  Friday and finished sorting out the area book and calling people to see if they were interested. They weren't. So we went out and did some more knocking. We had tea with the bishop and his family afterwards and it was so good. The members here are so good to us missionaries! It really does make up for all the rejection we're getting 

Saturday wasn't the best for me either. I've been getting really bad headaches the past couple of days, so I called sister Turvey to get some advise and she told me to take a nap. So I took a nap after lunch for two hours and it didn't help. But luckily the brother who we had tea with was a physiotherapist and was able to give me an adjustment. So that helped for the night at least!

I woke up Sunday with another really bad headache. So our district leader came to our chapel after church and gave me a blessing. Then the funniest thing happened on the bus. He tried talking to this lady and she just got really scared and wouldn't look at him. Then he turned away and she mouths to me "what's wrong with him?!?" I just shrugged my shoulders and started talking to her. My hair was covering my badge most of the way and because of the angle I don't think she would've seen it anyways. Anyways she kept glaring at him and rolling her eyes and then she turned back around to me and said "I think he's a Mormon. They're everywhere on the busses. Be careful" I just smiled and said I would. Then sister Sovala and I got off the bus and I saw her glare at me when she finally saw my badge. Oh it was so funny! So then we had tracting and got in with a few formers who weren't very interested, but still nice! Then came the really sad news. We were waiting for the bus to go in for the night and President Turvey called. I am getting interim (he doesn't like the word emergency because he doesn't want it to sound like something is wrong or someone did something wrong) transferred to a place called Louth. I have no idea why but I only got to serve here for less than a week. So crazy! It should be good though! My new companion is from Spain, so I might get to learn a little Spanish!!!! So excited for another adventure! Only this time the AP's get to help with my luggage! πŸ‘

So yeah, my spiritual thought is from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland's "Tomorrow the Lord Will Do Wonders Among You"
"The great thing about the Gospel is we get credit for trying if we don't always succeed"
I know this is so true! This is something we tell investigators all the time. The Lord doesn't expect us to be perfect, but we can be perfect at trying. As long as we're trying to improve, we are succeeding! So keep trying everybody! It's so worth it!😎

Much love,

Sister Hope

Goodbye Rotherham, you will be missed -- August 15, 2016

Dear family and friends,

It has been a great last week here in Rotherham. I am really sad to have to say goodbye to so many great people, but unfortunately I am getting transferred. But Sister Sovala and I are staying together for her last few weeks in the field. We will be going to an area called Horbury. We are excited to stay together but a little anxious to be white washed and washing. Kinda weird but should be good!

So this past week has been really tough especially because it seemed as if every day, Sister Sovala and I took turns feeling sick to our stomachs. But we pushed through and looking back we're glad we didn't stay in because we still worked with all our might. So Monday, we were supposed to have a girls night with some of the YSA aged girls in our branch, but they all cancelled. So we decided to go have a lesson with Rambo. So we called Pam and then got on the bus. Well there are three busses that say they go around Kimberworth Park, but apparently they all go to different parts of the park. So we got lost on the bus yet again. We came back to the interchange, told Rambo we were going the next morning and then had a lesson with Pam. It was such a tender mercy because she really needed someone to talk to and remind her of her divine nature! So Heavenly Father works in mysterious ways for sure.

I woke up on Tuesday feeling so sick, so I slept through our study time. I still wasn't feeling super well, but we went to a lesson with Rambo anyways and it was very interesting. He said he had one question before we started and it took him like 45 minutes to get the whole question out! So we still didn't get to teach the restoration. But whatever. So then we came back to town and had lunch in the chapel. While we were there, the bell rang, so we answered the door and one of the members, Tim, showed up. He said he'd been talking to this guy and wanted to give him a pass along card and a Book of Mormon. And that he felt he should go to the chapel at that moment. What a great tender mercy yet again! Then we went to visit a less active who forgot we were coming and was headed out the door. Right as we said goodbye, our phone rang and there was a repair guy at our flat to fix some things and so we had to go home to let him in. He had apparently been meeting with the elders before and still had a bunch of questions so we were able to answer those! Then since I still wasn't feeling very well, we walked around for a little bit and did some street contacting.

Wednesday I was feeling much better. We went to district meeting and then had a lunch appointment with this lady Caroline and her daughter Miracle. They are from Zimbabwe and made us some delicious food! We were so stuffed though! Walking hurt. We were there for a while because she had a lot of questions and our next two lessons had cancelled. By the time we left, we decided we had time to drop by one former to say goodbye to just in case we got transferred. We talked with her and then realized the time. We got back to town and watched the bus we needed to catch drive away. The next bus was in an hour. So we had to catch a taxi. We had dinner with them and just remember we were already stuffed.

We woke up still full on Thursday. So we went to have a lesson with Ephrem and retaught the restoration through song. Then we had branch correlation and got fed there. Still stuffed! Then we did 12 weeks and some street contacting and went to have a lesson and tea appointment at Barbara's house. Now we're over-stuffed. But then we went to Graham's. Luckily he didn't try to feed us as well. We had a good lesson with him, but unfortunately he decided he wants to stick to his own beliefs. But it was still good and he's still one of our favorites!

Friday. We were supposed to do splits all day with Abbie and Becky but Becky broke her foot. So she stayed in. We went to a lesson with Lavinia to say goodbye and tell her she needs to go to church. And then we went to the chapel because we were going to have a lesson with Michael but he cancelled while we were on the bus, so we had a lesson with Abbie instead. Then the three of us went to a lesson with Rambo. Apparently his real name is Rahman (Pronounced like Ramon) but he goes by Rambo because that was his fighting name when he was a wrestler or something. Anyways it was an ok lesson but we're honestly not sure how much he takes in with his English. But the Spirit was there so that's what's important! Then we went home early. We found out the mission is selling our flat so they wanted everything packed up before transfers. So we figured if we spent like 2 hours on it, we'd be fine! It didn't work that way. I got mostly packed and we scrubbed the kitchen but that was about it. But then we were tired so we went to bed.

Saturday was so great! Well besides the fact all our lessons flogged us (cancelled or didn't show up) it was so great! We tried by a less active who none of her neighbors knew so we're pretty sure she moved a while ago. Then we went on a bus that we knew had a circular route and just bus contacted for half an hour. That was fun! Then Michael decided he wanted to see us again finally. Well we already had plans to go do service for Pam, and he decided to come along! So we went to Pam's and had a great lesson on the talk from April 2002 called "For Thy Good" which is all about the problems we go through in mortality and I really recommend it! Then we got to service! We helped them de-junk their house and got like 5 trash bags of books and CDs they didn't want out. So we did that for about an hour and then Michael had to go, but the elders, Nathan, and President Jones showed up and we began the scrubbing process. It was so good! We scrubbed for like three hours and that house was a completely different house when we left it! We had to leave early because we don't have a car and the busses are funky now since a road has been closed for construction. So we said goodbye and left the elders and president and Nathan to finish. We're going over today to make sure they did a good job ;)

The most amazing thing happened on Sunday! Tim blessed the sacrament for the first time and he spoke so clearly we could hear every word! I don't know exactly what Tim has, but he is in a wheelchair and can barely talk. I meant to take a picture with him but he left early so I didn't get one. But he is one who is so amazing. He was baptized in November and due to his disability they were going to do a special baptism or something but he refused and wanted to be baptized by immersion, so the two elders carried him into the water and baptized him. Isn't that so cool?!? He is the same Tim that came to get a Book of Mormon while we were at the chapel. He is one of my Rotherham heroes for sure! Anyways, after church, we had lunch and then went street contacting. We ran into Graham and his parents. So we got to meet his parents. They are so sweet! His mom has dementia pretty badly though so we had the same conversation like twenty times of where we're from and everything. It was so funny! So we finally got away and then went to visit a friend named Jazzmine to say goodbye to her and wish her well in her pregnancy! Then we came in to await transfer calls. So our mission does this thing called T-books. I have no idea what the t stands for. But it's basically like a yearbook of sorts that people sign. So Sister Sovala and I decided we'd write in each others while waiting for the call because we were like 99% sure we were leaving Rotherham. Well the call came at 11:01, so we wrote memories for like two hours. Then found out we were staying together. So that was fun! At least all our Rotherham memories are together.

So I'm sorry this was so long. It's just been a really great week! My spiritual thought comes from Elder Eduardo Gavarret's talk "Yes Lord, I Will Follow Thee" "As you strive to come to Him, you will gain of the power to relieve life's burdens, whether physical or spiritual, and experience a positive inner change that will help you be happier" So there you have it! The secret to happiness is coming closer to Christ! I know this is so true because despite all the hard and tiring times I've had these past few months, I've never been happier and I've never been closer to the Lord. So go find happiness! I love you all and will talk to you next week!

Question: What is your favorite Book of Mormon story and why? I'm wanting to put together lesson plans for chapters in the Book of Mormon and would appreciate any advice on stories that have helped you guys through hard times! Thanks!!

Sister Hope