Friday, October 21, 2016

A Tale of Missed Busses and General Conference -- October 3, 2016

Hey family and friends!

Another week has flown by in the England Leeds Mission! We have had a crazy and exciting week that started with a lot of tears from Sister Calles. We spent all day Monday saying goodbye to members and investigators and she got a beautiful blessing and we came to Grimsby to spend the night with about 200 pounds of suitcases.

Tuesday morning we woke up bright and early to push Sisters Calles' and Rigby's suitcases to the train station. Some really nice guy helped us a little bit which was nice. Then Sister Jäger left to go to
Leeds and get her new trainee! So the three of us were in the bus station and Sister Manning's train arrived. But Sister Manning didn't. So Sister Rigby got her train and then the next train came but no
Sister Manning. So I called Sister Blair and she said she thought she caught the train but wasn't Sister Calles caught her train...and I was left all alone. For about an hour. Finally the next train came and there was Sister Manning! She had apparently been told the wrong bus time to go to the train station on time and missed her train by like two minutes and had to wait two hours for the next one to come. My district leader got upset because that was my one chance to do something dodgy on my mission like go to a movie or something and I didn't take it! I know he was joking, so it was funny. But anyways, then we were taking her luggage to the bus station and just as we turned the corner, our bus left. So we called a member and they were actually on their way to Grimsby for an errand, but it would take about an hour. So we figured since the next bus wasn't for another hour, we would do our grocery shopping and then go back to Louth with them. So we did and it was quite hilarious pushing her luggage through the mall and trying to find a place to buy milk and eggs. But we did and then got back to Louth. We had a lunch/clean/unpack break and went through all the clothes Sister Calles left. I got a few new coats and skirts which is always a plus! Then we went out and had a lesson with Jackie and met a few other members. So we had a good day and it was a pretty slow pace but still good!

Wednesday was a whirlwind adventure! We usually have district meeting in the morning but the Zone Leaders wanted to come, so it got moved to two hours later. Which meant we got no real lunch break. But all was good because we missed our bus by a few minutes again. So far my streak of leading the area wasn't going really well. But that made it so we could buy a quick lunch. Then the bus came, but it was one that didn't go all the way to Louth (I did know that one beforehand though) so we called the member who was going to meet us for a lesson when we got back and asked her to meet us there. So she did and we went to the lesson. It was great! It was with this little old man named John. We talked about the Plan of Salvation and he seemed intrigued. So we shall see how that goes! Then we went back in to drop off the box of Books of Mormon we got from district meeting and then went to pop by a few people. One of them is named Mary. I felt prompted to share "Because of Him" and then we asked her if she was interested in building her relationship with Christ. She said every time she tried, she always failed. So we told her we had some different tools she hadn't tried before and that we could share them with her later. She was really excited! But we had to rush off to be on time to a tea appointment. We got there and had a delicious meal and then a really good discussion about the Restoration with them. It was so powerful!

Thursday we got stood up most of the day. But that was ok. We talked to a lot of people who weren't interested and then met up with Sister Harvey to go teach Jackie. It was such a great lesson! We re-emphasised the importance of the Sabbath Day and committed her to come to church every Sunday. AND SHE SAID YES!!!!! She couldn't come to General Conference though because that was too far and too long, so we're going to watch a few talks with her later in the week. But oh my goodness! She has had such a mighty change of heart and it is just glorious to behold! So excited for her! Sister Harvey invited her to the Relief Society activity that night and she went to that too! So crazy!!! Then we went to have a lesson with Michael on the temple. It was so good! Unfortunately though I thought the bus back came at half past the hour. But it came at five past the hour after a time. So we were stranded for about 45 minutes. So we popped by a potential and then sat on a bench and ate the sack lunch Jackie made for us. She is just so sweet! Then we had a proper tea break at home and I finished cleaning the flat. Then we had a short door step lesson with a man named Chris who has been avoiding us for ages. We felt bad though because of the relief society activity, we couldn't find someone to go with us and so we couldn't go in...the first time he actually is home for the appointment and doesn't cancel....whoops!

Friday we had planning all morning again. Sister Manning is so good though! She stayed completely focused the whole time kept me on track, so we actually finished on time! We had a really quick lunch hour that even though my watch said it was an hour, I'm convinced was 20 minutes. Our friend Lin wasn't in, so we went knocking and then Maria cancelled, so we did some more knocking to find a referral. We found him and then went to a different street. We were exhausted and so went in to do some area book work, which basically just means we went in and looked to see if we felt prompted to try by any formers. Then we headed off to have a lesson with Ben, but he cancelled. So we talked with his mom instead and tried to resolve some concerns. So that was good! Then we had tea with the Stocks. It was a huge fish! Then we went in for 12 weeks and after 15 minutes I realized it was Friday and were not supposed to do 12 weeks on Friday. So we quickly repented and got out shoes and coats back on to go out for 45 more minutes. We tried by Lin again and scared her half to death because we were walking up just as she was walking out. So we walked with her to town and talked with her and then came in for planning for the night.

Saturday was much more laid back. We travelled to Hull for women's conference activity. Sister Manning wasn't feeling well, so we didn't participate as much as I would've liked to, but it was good. I loved conference and learned so much! So many great ideas and great inspiration both for myself as a missionary and to help specific people we are teaching at this time! After women's conference, we went to watch the Saturday morning session at Sister Harvey's house. It's cool because we got to watch it live! I mean it was in the evening, but still live. So despite the time difference, I still saw it at the same time as everyone back home! Then she drove us to Grimsby to spend the night.

Sunday was another relaxed and spiritual day. We woke up and after our studies had about an hour of finding in Grimsby and then we met up with the other sisters at the bus station and caught a bus to the chapel. There a loving member from the Grimsby ward provided food for all ten of the missionaries who were at the chapel. It was so good! Then conference (Saturday Afternoon) started and it was absolutely amazing! In between sessions, we had some iPad training we had to do because we're going to be getting a new app which will put our area book and planner on our iPad. So that should be interesting. Then we watched the Sunday morning session live. So we literally spent all day at the chapel. We walked home and had dinner and then went to bed. So all in all, it was a good day and I learned so much!

My favorite talk was President Russell M. Nelson's where he talked about the secret to joy: "Joy isn't found in our circumstances, but in our focus" I don't know if that was the exact quote, but that's the gist of it for sure! It is so true though. We tell people on the street all the time that when we focus on Jesus Christ, we won't hallways have happy times, but we will always be at peace in our life. Peace comes from focusing on The Savior. Joy comes from focusing on The Savior. So I hope and pray we can all focus on Him and find that peace and joy despite our circumstances. I love you all! Hope you enjoyed conference as much as I did! And I look forward to watching the Sunday Afternoon session later this week. Should be good too!

Sister Hope

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