Friday, October 21, 2016

Even More Bussess -- October 17, 2016

Busy week this week! As Always! So Monday after we finished emailing, we went shopping for Sister Manning to get a good winter coat, ate a quick meal, no then caught the bus to Hull. We started our exchange almost immediately because a less active had invited the missionaries over, but they had to go to the FHE they were thankful for the two extra missionaries. So Sister Blair and I went to visit this lady. We felt so bad because we got lost, so we didn't get there until pretty late, and we woke her son up by knocking. But she was really nice about it and we just set a better time to try by since it was late for both of us. Then we went back to their flat and did planning and talked.

Tuesday was the exchange. Sister Blair and I got right to work. We went to visit these two members. And just as we got there, they were leaving to go do shopping. So we got to do some knocking in the area instead. A few people were in, but none wanted anything to do with religion. So we went to a community service center instead. Such a miracle! They're only open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11-1:30, and we got there right at 1. They didn't need any help right away, but were really excited to take their number and said they'd call if anything came up. Then we caught a bus and went to teach an investigator the Word of Wisdom. He didn't want to live it. But hey, neither did Jackie at first either. Now he just needs to have a good talk with the Holy Ghost and see where that takes him! Then we went to the fair and got some food. There was a guy working one of the candy stands who was LDS, but from a different stake, and he gave us free candy. So that was a bonus! Then Sister Manning and I got back together and caught the bus back to Grimsby. A member came and picked us up and we went back to their house for dinner. Then they dropped us off at our flat at 8:55. So we dropped our suitcases off and went back out until 9:00 reminding ourselves that exact obedience brings miracles because we literally just had time to leave, and walk around to the other gate and go in again. Felt a little like a Chinese Fire Drill back home...but all was good!

Wednesday started off slow. We got to district meeting and our district leader usually lets us in an hour early because of bus times and such and so then we do comp study at the chapel, he forgot. So he finally gets there, lets us in, and realises he forgot his flash drive at his flat. So they had to turn around and get it. So we started super late, which meant we ended super late and therefore we missed our bus home. So we grabbed a bit to eat there and then caught a bus back to Louth. We had a lesson with Jackie when we got to town and long story short, it didn't go as planned. So it was a short lesson and then we had tea with Sister Stephenson. It was really funny because she had accidentally fallen asleep, and so we had to wake her up. But we got to help her cook. Tip: mix cream cheese with your pasta sauce to make it creamier and thicker. Learned something new :) 

Thursday was long. All our lessons fell through, so we knocked. And knocked. And knocked some more. We had one person willing to take a card, but that was it. We had tea at the Elliot's house and talked about how the missionary work was going. After that appointment, we went to have a lesson with Jane. We read Elder Bednar's talk "If Ye Had Known Me" from this last conference with her about how we get to know who Christ is and therefore who God is. It was such a good talk! I think she agreed with it and hope she learned a lot from it!

Friday we had planning all morning and then went to the hospital to see if we could put our names on a volunteer list to give someone religious guidance if they request it. They didn't have a list. So we went to Jackie's and talked about Gods love with her. After our lesson with her, we rushed into town to set an appointment with a former who had been taught just before I got here and then we had to rush back to have a lesson with Ben. We talked about The Tree of Life with him and it went so good! I think he really enjoyed it and he seemed to understand it well. His favorite thing so far has been the seed of faith growing into a tree. So he likes trees. It's pretty funny. Then we had tea at the Harvey's. They're so great! She brought us halfway home and then we walked the rest of the way since we still had half an hour before we could be in. So that was good!

Saturday was basically the longest day ever. We had no lessons planned because everyone seemed to be busy. So we cracked open the area book and chose a bunch of formers to try by. So we knocked and talked for like six hours straight with no luck. But that's ok! We tried and are doing our best! We stopped by a few members in the evening to see how they were doing and so that was good. Then we came in and ate and did 12 weeks.

Sunday was busy though! We had church. Sister Elliot brought Jackie and Bethany and her mom to church. So she had a full car of investigators! That was such a blessing! Then we rushed home for a quick lunch and out to Jackie's. We answered questions and went over the interview questions! Then we went to Josephine's and had a lesson with her about patriarchal blessings since Ben had school work. We read a talk with her and it was so good! Then we went to visit Michael and talked about eternal families and temple work. Then we went to the chapel and went over the branch list with Brother Elliot while the choir was practicing. So that was good! We found out who would be open to missionaries and who totally isn't. Then we came in for tea and 12 weeks.

So yeah that was my week! My spiritual thought for the week comes from President Hunter, chapter 19 "Our Commitment to God" " we should decide now in the light of the morning, how we will act when the darkness of night and when the storms of temptation arrive."

Love you all!

Sister Hope

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