Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Return of the Osmond Family -- August 8, 2016

Dear family and friends,

This has been another great week in the Lord's vineyard! I am really enjoying my calling as a missionary and can't believe it has been three months already. I have one week left to be a greenie as transfer calls are Sunday. It is so scary because we really don't want to leave or be separated but Heavenly Father
knows best and we will happily serve how and where He needs us!

Monday was so weird! So P-day finished at 6 and we had to catch a 6:09 bus to catch a train that would take us to Hull. For some reason, there are no STL's in our zone ne, so we had to go to a different zone

to go on exchanges. So that took like basically our whole Monday. We still takes to people on the train and street, but it was a really short day.

Tuesday was also long. I was with Sister Blair all day and we had absolutely no lessons planned. So we tried by a few formers but their addresses are all university housing so there was no answer and no way
of knowing if they even still live there. So then we did street contacting all day. Sister Blair is such a great example of literally talking to EVERYONE! It took us an hour to get down the street! And we were headed to get ice cream! But it took us an hour to get there! Well we got there and got our ice cream finally and Sister Blair started running so we could get the bus. I don't know why she was running. The bus stop was literally right there and there was a line of people stopping the bus already...but anyways, she was running and tripped and her ice cream went flying. It was so sad! I would've offered her some of mine but she made me wait an hour! Just Kidding! She's sacrificing chocolate until one of her investigators gets
baptized since he's giving up smoking so she wouldn't have any of mine anyways. So then we tried by one more former who wasn't in. I met a guy named Paul Hope on our way! That was cool. No idea if we're
related or not but we probably are. He wasn't as interested in finding out as I was so he walked away...anyways the former wasn't in so we went back to the flat and did 12 weeks and then we caught a train back home and stopped by a less active in the area just to say hi. I think she was a little nervous because we had our luggage with us. But it was funny! Then we stopped in on Graham to see how he is. His OCD is acting up a lot so he had locked himself in his house. He felt bad for ignoring us but he said he was ignoring his mom too so we didn't feel too bad.

Wednesday was another day of finding. We had district meeting early and then had 12 weeks and lunch and then went to stop by like 6 less active families: two weren't in, two had moved, one had died, and the last one was interested! So we're seeing her tomorrow! We knocked some doors in the area and got a few people who agreed to meet with us again so that's cool! Then we went and had a lesson with Ephrem. We were a little bummed because Abbie was going to come and we had a really fun lesson planned but she didn't show up. So we had to teach him outside and change our plans. But it was good. We talked to him about his baptism and how he felt and about the Holy Ghost and it was so good! Then we caught a bus home. There's a family we were going to try by that according to our map lived three bus stops away from our house so we figured we'd stop by since we had a little bit of time. But after two stops, the bus turned. We asked the girl behind us if it would go back to that bus stop and she said yes, so we stayed on. After a while we realized the bus wasn't about to be heading back anytime soon, and we had already left our area. So we got off, crossed the road to catch the bus going the other way and waited. Well about 7
minutes later, the same bus with the same driver came back. So we thought "oh we just didn't wait long enough!" So it gets back to the main road and instead of turning back to where we thought it was
going, it turned the other way again! Away from our areas boundaries. So we waited until we got to a more normal looking place that wasn't all factories and crossed the road again. Well we had thirty minutes
before that bus came and we were starving, so we went up the road and got Dominoes. Then we sat on the side of the road eating pizza when the same bus with the same bus driver came AGAIN! This time we had pizza, so at least we had a little bit of an excuse...she probably thinks we are the strangest girls in all of Rotherham though. So lesson learned: disobedience brings dominoes pizza.

Thursday was so great! We started off the day with Branch Coordination and it was so good! Then we went to try by a recent convert who hasn't been to church in ages. So we got there and her friend, who is also less active, was there too! So we had a great lesson with them and they said they wanted to come back to church!! Then we met up with Michael and took him to Darren and Barbara's house for tea. We had a great lesson and then went back to have a lesson with Graham on the Holy Ghost. It was so good! He really is progressing it's just really really slow. But he's still great! Then we came home to find the pressure in our boiler had gone down so we had no hot water. That wasn't a fun evening.

Friday was interesting. After weekly planning, we called the housing coordinator to ask about our boiler and he couldn't explain how to fix it very well so we texted our landlord who came over and fixed it.
Then we tried by a less active who had moved and the knocked on his neighbor's door. She was a lovely, lonely, old lady who let us in without even asking who we were. She showed us all sorts of old photos from her days as a nurse for the miners and SHE HAD AN ORGAN!!!!!!!! So I played and Sister Sovala sang for our spiritual thought, said a prayer, and promised to stop by next week. It was so great to be able to be Heavenly Fathers hands to brighten her day! Then we went to Pam, Richard, and Peter's house and read with them about the stripling warriors. It was a great lesson!

Saturday was crazy. We tried by a family who wanted us to come over. But they weren't in. So we went to see Belina because she lives near them and it was so great because she said she had been praying for us to come! Then we left and Abby wasn't answering her phone so we called another member to come with us. Luckily she came! So we went to a lesson with a man named Rambo. He is so cool! He is from Iran but came to England 8 years ago and converted to Christianity about 2 years ago but is open to learning more about Christ! He cooked us Iranian food which was delicious but not planned on! Then our member talked for like 45 minutes and we had no time left to teach. But he said he'd come to church anyways. Then we had a tea appointment with a member. So needless to say we basically rolled home because we ate two full meals within two hours of each other. But it was still good. Then we took an hour bus back to town and went home.

Sunday was great!!! Rambo came to church! It was a little awkward because the second hour was on tithing. But he said he enjoyed it nonetheless! Then we went home for 12 weeks and lunch. Then we had a great fireside! The Osmonds came and they bore their testimonies and sang and asked all the nonmembers to meet with the missionaries as "a personal favor to the Osmonds" which was pretty hilarious but hopefully some good referrals come from it. You never know!!! Then we got a ride home from President and Sister Turvey because if we would've taken the bus and train, we wouldn't have gotten back until close to 11. So they figured it was safe and better for them to drive us. We had just called to tell them we were going to be really late and they offered a ride! So that was really cool to get to know them a little bit better and have some good laughs and talk about the fireside a little bit.

So my spiritual thought for the week comes from Howard W. Hunter chapter 10: "When you have worries and challenges, face them by turning to the scriptures and the prophets." I have learned a lot this week from applying the scriptures to myself and really studying them. Sister Sovala and I have been choosing a chapter a day each to individually study and make lesson plans on and we have seen miracles in our work as we relate their challenges to this day and use the scriptures to help investigators and members with their challenges. The scriptures and the prophets really are our great source of strength and inspiration. I know the Book of Mormon is true and I love testifying of that every day!

I love you all and hope you had a fantastic week as well! Stay strong y'all!
Sister Hope

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