Friday, October 14, 2016

Another Long Week of Lessons! -- September 19, 2016

This week has been absolutely spectacular! As I mentioned last week we had a fun p day at the St. James church in Louth and climbed to the top and then I got to play the organ when we came back down! Still a highlight of the week :) then Sister Harvey came and picked us up. We spent the p day at her house watching movies and then had tea and family home evening with them. It was a blast but took too long, so we didn't have time for anything else by the time she drove us back to that was a very short day!

Tuesday was a day full of knocking doors, talking to people in the street, and being rejected. We spent the entire day finding and then had tea at the O'Grams and family home evening with Ben and Josephine. We taught the Plan of Salvation to them and they taught us a song on the drums! We're so excited for Ben! He told Sister Calles that he thinks he'll be ready in three weeks for baptism if we keep seeing him and read more from the Book of Mormon with him during lessons. So that is totally something we're willing to do!

Wednesday was super busy. We had district meeting in the morning and it was pretty good. The APS came. Which was a little awkward cause Sister Calles and I brought the leftover cheesecake from our tea appointment last night, but we didn't know they were coming until we got there. So instead of cutting it six ways, we had to cut it nine. So everyone got a very small sliver of cake. It was funny! But a little weird. Anyways, then Sister Harvey came and picked us up so we did service at her house. We painted her fence! She was extremely thankful which is always good! And we were glad we didn't have to wear skirts for a few hours! That was also good! Then she dropped us off for tea at another members house and they took us to Branch Coordination which was good because it's the first one we've had since I've been in Louth! Then we went to teach Jane and Andy. So we got at least one lesson in! That was really good! We finished the Plan of Salvation with them and Jane said she'll for sure come to church! So I jumped on that and asked her to give us a ride! The members who usually do are going out of town this week and so we were going to have to call around. And she said yes! So now she can't back out.

Thursday was another day of finding. Georgina wasn't in, so we knocked her street and then popped by a lady named Kate who is a former investigator. She let us in and is so excited to learn. However, she just finished her master’s dissertation and is so stressed from it she got sick. So we will have to come back next week when she's feeling better. Then after lunch, a member picked us up to go see Michael! Then we did a few more hours of finding because our next two lessons fell through. We had tea at a member’s house. It was funny because they forgot we were coming even though we had called them. It was good we had called and asked if we could come a little early because then they remembered again. It was awkward because they had already eaten, so we just ate and talked while they watched. Fun times!

Friday was short as always. But it was so good because the rain stopped just as we finished weekly planning so we didn't get super wet! Tender mercies! We did a lot of street contacting to Jackies house. We had a great lesson with her about how God is our loving Heavenly Father. We have decided to teach her in order of the baptismal interview questions, so it's more focused and a little slower. Then we did more street contacting to Ben and Josephine's. But BEN STOOD US UP! So we were a little sad. We had just had weekly planning and had a really good plan on how to have him prepared and KNOW he's prepared completely by next Sunday...but that's ok. We had a lesson with Josephine instead. She's doing so well! We gave her a personal progress book and whenever we have a lesson with her now, we're going to work on an experience with her. They told us she won't be able to get a medallion since she's not a youth, but we'll see if we ask really nicely...but it would still be awhile anyways. When I told my district leader we got stood up, he said "Sister Hope, Heavenly Father is just preparing you for when you go home, it's ok" thanks. -.-

Saturday was really good too! We got a lift to Market Rasen to teach Bethany again. It's been so long! But it was really good. Her mom sat in this time and she said she's interested to know, but she's just curious what her daughter is learning not to be converted. But she's going to bring her to church. Not this week or the next due to work, but yeah. We'll see :) then we had a lesson with Neil, who is a member, about the Holy Ghost and then we rushed off to see Jackie again. We had such a great lesson about how Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. Such a great lesson! Then we did even more finding until tea time and had tea at the Wilsons house.

Sunday was really good! Jane came and picked us up for church! And we had a really great time! Sister Calles and I both spoke in sacrament Metin on missionary work and the importance of referrals. I'm just
going to put one part in because I thought it was really funny and creative of me:

"An example in the scriptures of giving referrals is Alma 20. King Lamoni has just been converted to the gospel and now they're going to save Ammon's brothers. While travelling they meet Lamoni's dad. He's pretty angry, but his heart is softened as they speak. In verses
26-27, it reads:
26 And when he saw that Ammon had no desire to destroy him, and when he also saw the great love he had for his son Lamoni, he was astonished exceedingly, and said: Because this is all that thou hast desired, that I would release thy brethren, and suffer that my son Lamoni should retain his kingdom, behold, I will grant unto you that my son may retain his kingdom from this time and forever; and I will govern him no more--
27 And I will also grant unto thee that thy brethren may be cast out of prison, and thou and thy brethren may come unto me, in my kingdom; for I shall greatly desire to see thee. For the king was greatly astonished at the words which he had spoken, and also at the words which had been spoken by his son Lamoni, therefore he was desirous to learn them.
If we change the scripture to apply to us we get:
    1. And when our friends saw that The Mormons weren't really as weird or as scary as they originally thought, and when they also saw they great love and testimony we have of this gospel, they were astonished exceedingly and said: "because you only want an hour of my time to explain your beliefs, that I may feel joy like you do, behold I will go to my friends house and meet you there that we may learn together.
    2. And I will also come to church for I greatly desire to see what it's all about. For our friends were greatly astonished at the feeling of the Holy Ghost which did reside in their heart as we spoke and they are desirous to learn."

Then we had Gospel Principles about missionary work. So she probably thinks or church just talks about missionaries and nothing else...except Relief Society was on honesty. So that was good! She said she really enjoyed it and she'll try to keep coming, but she's not sure. We told her its her choice, but we loved seeing here there! Then we had lunch and then went to see Ben! He had a bike accident Friday night which we told him was because he stood us up...but it probably had more to do it was past midnight and he was on a narrow road and the car only had one working headlight. Anyways, he's ok, just a little bump on the hip from falling off the bike, but I don't think he'll stand us up again! We taught a big lesson of follow the prophet, Thomas S. Monson, word of wisdom, and chastity. It was funny because when we transitioned to chastity his mom said, "do you want me to leave the room while you talk about this" which totally made it more awkward than it needed to be. But it was still funny! Then we had an hour walk with an atheist named Collin. It was interesting because he promised to read the Book of Mormon every day but he promised he won't find anything. Like that's possible! Oh and he said he'll get baptized. So we're excited to keep meeting with him!

So my Spiritual Thought is from Elder D. Todd Christofferson's "Why the Church" talk and it says: "it is important to recognize that God's ultimate purpose is our progress. His desire is that we continue 'from grace to grace, until (we receive) a fullness' of all He can give." I love that thought! We aren't supposed to be perfect in this life. But as we keep being perfect at trying, we can live with Him again. These are such wonderful blessings and I'm so grateful I get to be blessed to share them with others. Just keep trying. Don't you quit. God is always with you. It's such a powerful message and sharing it brings so much joy!

I love you all and hope you've had a great week as well. Thank you for all your love, support, and prayers.

Sister Hope

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