Monday, June 5, 2017

I Can't Believe It's Been Another Week! -- March 27, 2017

Hello everyone! Hope you've had a great week! Let me just fill you in on mine real quick :)

So Monday after shopping and emailing, we decided we wanted to go on an adventure. So we hopped in the car and headed to Durham, a city in our zone that's got a beautiful cathedral and castle. So we went and it was so pretty! We got to go to the cathedral, which part of Harry Potter was filmed in!
But the castle was closed for private tours. Luckily though, we could still take a picture of the outside!

So it was a beautiful day and we had some fun together. We ate a late lunch and then drove back and went to see a Sister in our Branch and we talked to her about 2 Nephi 31 and the importance of the Doctrine of Christ. Then we got back in the car and spent the night at the Newcastle Sister's flat.

Tuesday we had Zone Conference which was so great! We talked a lot about the Atonement and Self Reliance. I find it interesting how much of a push the church is putting on self reliance right now. But anyways, it was a great meeting, really long per usual, but it was great. And what was really great is I was able to see all my companions (except Sister Tautkus who is busy taking care of Louth still!) that are still on their missions!
Then we went home and did companionship study and tea.

Wednesday we had another busy day. We had a lesson with a recent convert named Kurt about Patriarchal Blessings and missionary work. He is hoping to serve a mission in about a year and so we are going to have him practice teach us the lessons now to make sure he knows the doctrine and how to teach it. Then we travelled to Blyth, but our lessons fell through. So we went to see Heather in the hospital again. She didn't look too well and was sleeping the whole time basically, so we left and went to the chapel. We got asked to help the Young Women with a musical number for this week, so we practiced for that as our companionship study and then had tea with a member and went back to the chapel to go to Young Women's for the night!

Thursday we did some street contacting into town and back, but it was pretty empty. So we went and did some Are Book Finding and then met up with a member to go see Heather. She was doing a lot better and so we shared the visiting teaching message since the member is her visiting teacher. So that was really good. Then we went back and I got a blessing since I was able to schedule another driving test for this weekend. Then we went to have tea and saw another member and then came in for companionship study.

Friday felt like we didn't do we had weekly planning and then a relief society activity right after. Then we had back to back lessons at the chapel and stayed for companionship study and I practiced my driving maneuvers for a bit and we ordered food and had tea at the we were there pretty much all day. Then we went to a Members house to have a visit with them.

Saturday I had my driving test. It went so much better and I even passed this one! So we got back to Ashington and then had lunch before heading out to see some less actives and members. We had quite a few lessons with them and then went home for studies and tea.

Sunday we had another short day. So church was awkward. We had one speaker get up and talk about the importance of not kissing a lot...and us missionaries are the only YSA aged and his daughter and the Branch Presidents daughter make up the that was a little uncomfortable. But anyways, it was Mother's Day here, so Sister Kirk got to Skype her parents and then we had lunch. Then we went to a less actives house and had a lesson with them and then after our companionship study and tea we went to missionary coordination meeting. So it was another quick day!

My Spiritual Thought for the week is from Elder L. Tom Perry's talk "Bring Souls Unto Me"
"Our missionary message is strengthened by the knowledge of the Restoration. We know that God speaks to His prophets today, just as He did anciently. We also know that His gospel is administered with the power and authority of the restored priesthood. No other message has such great eternal significance to everyone living on the earth today. All of us need to teach this message to others with power and conviction. It is the still, small voice of the Holy Ghost that testifies through us of the miracle of the Restoration, but first we must open our mouths and testify. We must warn our neighbors."
I'd greatly recommend reading this talk. It is so good and really emphasizes the importance of doing our missionary work as members. 

Love you all! Hope you have another great week!

Sister Hope


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