Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Hope your Easter was as great as mine!! -- April 17, 2017

Well, it's Monday again, so I guess it's time for y'all to get a rundown of my week!!

We had a pretty good PDay Monday. Sister Kirk and I basically just ran her last minute errands. Then we went to the chapel for Zone PDay. We basically just talked and emailed, and there was a pretty fancy BBQ, led by the Zone Leaders! Anyways, we went to see Eileen and shared the "Principles of Peace: Faith" with her and then went to see the Griffiths. We were going to share the Easter Video with them on our iPad, but they decided they wanted to watch it on their fancy Smart TV, so they pulled up YouTube and got it going...and then the previous years' Easter Videos started showing after. So we watched 3-4 Easter Videos with them. It was like a missionary movie night!

We did street contacting in town Tuesday morning and then we had a lesson with Kurt and he taught us the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He did so good! He just wants to redo it one more time without notes! He's going to be such a great missionary soon! It just makes my heart so happy! Then we had lunch and companionship study and went to see Sharon Wylie and Heather before going to the Redpath's for tea. After tea, we went to see Jennifer Thompson and read "the First Easter" with her from the Book of Mormon! Such a great lesson! Lots to think about!

Wednesday was a strange day. District Meeting was moved back to the afternoon since one of the Elders had a doctor’s appointment. So we went to our chapel and had companionship Study and practiced the piano. Then we had lunch and went to District Meeting. The elders were still at the doctors...poor guys! But this is the part of our district that did show up!

But District Meeting was really good and on asking inspired questions to overcome concerns. Then we wound up staying and talking all together way too long. But it was because I needed a blessing and the Alnwick Elders wanted to talk. But I got a blessing and am still hoping for continued relief. This pain is getting to be a lot! But anyways, after District Meeting, we went and made a pit stop in New York!
Then we came back to our area and did a little Finding before tea at the Broadfoot's house and then saw Heather at the hospital and then went to meet a less active named Gwen. We had a really good conversation with her and it was so good to get to know her!

Thursday was so weird. Literally everyone cancelled or wasn't in. And Sister Kirk and I would have the same impression to go visit somebody, so we'd turn around and go. Well, they still weren't in! It was so strange! We literally saw like nobody! We had a full day planned and then didn't get to see anyone until the end. So we saw Kayleigh and read the Easter Story from her children's Book of Mormon and then went to see the Browns. We read the Easter Story with them too and they're planning on coming to church! Such a miracle! It was really funny because when we told them we were going to read from the Book of Mormon, so they'd need their Book of Mormons, they decided to turn it into a "race" so the mom was yelling at the daughter to hold her husband back and it was hilarious! I guess you had to be there...

Friday was another weird day. So I did weekly planning by myself while Sister Kirk packed up her suitcases. It actually went pretty well as I didn't disagree with any of the plans! ;) nah, in all seriousness, she did help me plan what to teach people while she packed, I just put in when we'd see them or try by them. Then after lunch, we tried by a bunch of people. None of them were in again...except this one Former Investigator who previously was really nice to us and so we stopped by and she started off on all these conspiracy stories about religion. Sister Kirk handled it pretty well and I just soaked up the knowledge from my senior companion and stayed silent so I wouldn't start arguing and make things worse. Anyways, then we went to the chapel and practiced the piano for our musical number on Sunday. When we recorded it, we realized we had a lot more to work on than we thought. So we spent time doing that and counted it towards part of our companionship study and then went to try by some members before tea.

Saturday was a pretty quick day, honestly. So we had missionary coordination first thing this morning and it was pretty good. Then we came home for lunch and travelled to Morpeth. We saw Winifred and Fred and then went to try by a member, but couldn't find her house. So we asked some random people on the street and they turned out to be members from another Stake visiting their mom. So that was pretty interesting! Anyways, the member wasn't there. So we went to see Heather, but she was too tired, so we went to do some street contacting and then piano practice. Then we had a lesson with John and Shannon. Anyways, then we went to see Sister Zywczok. She needs some service done, so we did that. We took apart an armchair for her into small bits that can go into the bins. It was hard work, especially in skirts and with dull tools. But we did it! Then we came home for tea and I got an interesting call from President Turvey. I'M TRAINING AGAIN!!!!!! WHOOT WHOOT!!!

Sunday! Wow! Such another strange day! So today was Sister Kirk's last Sunday here, so we did a musical number of "The Lord is My Shepherd" which was great. We had a lot of goodbyes which was strange for me in a sense. But it was still good. Then we had lunch/tea with the Hamilton's and headed up to Newcastle for a Music and the Spoken Word Fireside that Sister Berg and her family did. It was all about the last week of the Savior's life and it was so spiritual, I loved it! Than we came back and did companionship study for the last time! Crazy!!!! 

My Spiritual Thought for the week is from this Conference again!
"Heavenly Father is anxious to gather and bless all of His family. While He knows that not all of them will choose to be gathered, His plan gives each of His children the opportunity to accept or reject His invitation."
-President Henry B. Eyring "The Gathering of God's Family"

Heavenly Father has a plan for each of His children to learn about and choose to accept the Gospel. Sometimes that Plan goes well the first time we think it should, sometimes it won't be accepted until the eternities. But we must be in a place ourselves that when Heavenly Father tells us one of His children, who we know, is prepared for the gospel, we can act and we can change their eternity for the better!

Love you all!

Sister Hope

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