Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of Heaven!! -- May 15, 2017

This week went way too fast...again! So for those of you keeping track, I hit my year mark on Thursday and reflecting on the last year and how much I've grown and experiences has honestly kinda scared me. I keep thinking I'm about to go home, and then am grateful I still have 6 months to serve and continue growing!

Anyways, so on Monday, we had a great PDay. After shopping and whatnot, we went to the Alnwick Castle! It was such a blast! We were there much longer than the first time I went, so we actually got to see all of it! So that was a lot of fun! We even met up with some other sisters in our area he there, so that
was nice! Then we went back to Ashington for tea and emailing, which is why I was a little late with my emails last week! Then we went to have a first lesson with this girl we met, but she wasn't in and her dad said she was at work. So that was pretty sad, except then we got to see Kayleigh and we had a lesson with her on following the Prophet. We read President Monsons last Conference talk and talked about reading the Book of Mormon everyday. Then we saw the Griffiths and since they didn't make it to church, we went over the lesson we had in Relief Society about building our faith to build our self-reliance!

Tuesday we decided to sacrifice the car so we could talk to more people and take the bus. So we walked to see Kurt at the library and had a lesson with him and then walked back. Unfortunately, none of the people we talked to were interested. So then we decided to try by a few less actives in the area and they weren't in. So we decided to take the bus to Heather's. Then we came back for companionship Study and tea and then headed to the chapel for our Book of Mormon Study class and walked home.

Wednesday we had district meeting in the morning and then spent the afternoon visiting less actives and members to find out how their missionary work is going. That took most of the afternoon. Then we had our studies and tea before going to see a few people. We had a mini lesson with Becca and then saw Tony Medd at the library to talk about the sacrament and then went to see the Norris family. We had a great lesson about the Atonement and using it to forgive people. That took the rest of the night and so we came in!

Since we didn't find any potentials on Tuesday, we sacrificed the car again on Thursday. We had a lesson with Sharon at the chapel and then did a lot of walking, knocking, and trying by formers. We did take a break though to celebrate my year mark!

I love donuts...too much! We did have a ton of good conversations, but no interest :/ but that's ok! We keep going forward! After studies and tea, we went to what we thought was Branch Council...but apparently they decided to switch up the weeks, so it got moved to next week instead. So we dropped in on a less active family and got to know them!

Friday we had weekly planning all morning and then went to see Heather. After Heather's we went to see Eileen and Bill. Then we did a little street contacting before a tea appointment. Then we tried by a referral from the elders and came in for companionship study. So a very short day...very short.

Saturday we spent the morning and afternoon in Morpeth visiting members and less actives. It was so good to hear the member's missionary efforts! It's so good! Then we came in for studies and tea. Then we tried by the referral again and she still wasn't in. So we went to have a lesson with Jennifer Thompson. Another pretty short

Sunday was really short, but really great :) since it was Mother's Day in the States, I got to Skype my family! But anyways, we sacrificed the car again, and got to church like 2 minutes before it started...
So yeah, we had church, and five of the less actives we've been working with came to church! Sister Magallano and I spoke in sacrament meeting, so that was good! Then we hooked up Skype and Sister Magallano Skype her family first and then I got to Skype mine! It was so great to talk to them! Then we went to walk home, but got lazy and caught the bus...then we had companionship Study, went to missionary Coordination and then came in for 12 weeks and tea!

So yeah that was my week! So instead of a spiritual thought, I'd like to share a poem that one of my companions (Sister Tanielu) and I wrote for Mothers Day during a companionship study we couldn't think of anything else to do and I've been saving it all this time!

"Mother's Day

Long before this world began,
We were presented with a beautiful plan.
To Earth we would come one day
A place to learn, grow and play.

Eagerly I awaited my turn
To see what I would learn.
I knew I'd have a family
I hoped my father would be manly

But my mother dear
I knew would have no fear
She would be my rock
And watch me like a hawk

So finally to Earth I came
An innocent child with no blame
Tutored by her careful hand
On my own I learned to stand

She shared things temporal
But more important, spiritual
She taught me through song
What was right and what was wrong

Until one day, at age eight,
Sacred Covenants I did create.
Washed clean and pure once again
I learned to repent of every sin

I stumbled and fell along the way
But with my mother's faith I did stay
And as I continued to grow,
A big decision did show

To wear Christ's name on my chest
I left home to give Him my best.
Strengthened and encouraged by her,
I changed my first name to "Sister"

Eighteen months will come and go
But there's one thing I'll always know.
Like Father in Heaven, my mother
Has love like no other

When I Return with Honor,
Through life's choices I will wander.
I will endure to the end
With the Holy Ghost as my friend

And as the Plan continues on and on,
In the Spirit world we will teach those beyond.
Until Christ comes once more,
A perfected body to restore

The things I learned and did on Earth
Since the time of my birth
Will come again to memory
And I'll receive a place in eternity

With family, dear to me,
An eternal unit, we will be.
In the Celestial courts on high
Never again to say goodbye"

Hope y'all had a great week! Until next week! Onwards and upwards!

Sister Hope

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