Monday, November 20, 2017

Fast is Good -- November 6, 2017

Hello Family and Friends!

What an exciting time it is to be here in Durham! It's cold but...yeah it's cold!

Monday we had a great PDay and went to Sunderland to hang out with the Sisters there. We just emailed at the chapel and then went out to dinner at Burger King. So fancy, right ;) then we went back to Durham and had a quick lesson with a Chinese man we had met. We gave him a Chinese Book of Mormon and taught a simple version of the Restoration before heading to Rei's house and we had a Skype lesson with Kevin and taught him about tithing! He said he'd made the decision to get baptised and so we set the time for his interview!

Tuesday morning we went to the library to do some things online and hopefully find a few formers on Facebook. Then we went to see two less actives who are only available on Tuesdays...and then we went in because it was Halloween!! We had companionship Study and tea and signed each other's tea books and just got caught up on lots of things...other than sleep ;)

Wednesday we had an early district meeting and then went to Saltwell Park again for service. We were in charge of litter picking again and found some more interesting things in the bushes...anyways, then we came for lunch and headed out to see Jay before going to a tea appointment and missionary Coordination. So it was a quick day and we got a lot done!

Thursday we were all over the place. We went to see Denise and then had companionship Study at the chapel with the STLs and then went to see Jay and then had to go to tea in consent and then had Ward Council. We spent most of the day in busses...

Friday we had our flat inspection which took literally all morning. Then we went to the charity Shop again to do service before doing some street contacting and coming in for tea and weekly planning...another quick day!

Saturday we did a couple hours of street contacting before going to the Cattery for more service! Then we came in for lunch and headed out to see Jay again! Then we met up with the elders and went to Kevin's for his BAPTISMAL INTERVIEW which he PASSED!!!!!!!! So that was super exciting for us! Then we headed to have Spanish Class and came in for the night!

Sunday we had church! My last fast Sunday...we had church and then spent awhile there talking to members and trying to sort a lot out for the baptism. Making sure everyone was invited and making assignments. Then we finally got to come in for lunch as it was getting dark. (Which is about 4 o'clock here...) and then did some knocking by our house before our lesson with Jay and then had companionship Study and tea.

My Spiritual Thought for the week is from General Conference:

"Members of the Godhead are no strangers to hard things. God the Father sacrificed His Only Begotten Son to the terrible suffering of the Atonement, including death by crucifixion. The scriptures say Jesus Christ learned “obedience by the things which he suffered”. He voluntarily suffered the agony of the Atonement. The Holy Ghost must be long-suffering to prompt, warn, and guide us, only to sometimes be ignored, misinterpreted, or forgotten."
-"Do We Trust Him? Hard Is Good" by Elder Stanley G. Ellis

I found this paragraph really interesting when I read it this week because I'd never really thought about how hard it is for the Godhead as well, if that makes sense. We always talk about what Jesus Christ went through and how He understands us perfectly because of His Atonement, but all members of the Godhead understand us perfectly because they face the same negative emotions and experiences we do. I love this talk because it's so true! Hard IS good :)

Hope you have a great week! Love you all!
Sister Hope

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